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None had dared come too close to the Tiger King’s property, and he growled in acknowledgement of the respect they’d paid him in absentia. Decorum would dictate they seek permission first, and he appreciated it even more as he understood he was the guest here.

The true boss of the Pine Barrens was a mystical creature, something of a local legend that was known as the Jersey Devil. Of course, he was seen as a myth, but he was as real as Dean was. A fun guy, truth be told, even though he recently mated.

His Tiger chuffed and stretched, slightly jealous perhaps of his boyhood school chum finding his mate. But Dean pushed that envy away. He rolled his big shoulders before pouncing over the next drift of snow.

It felt wonderful, racing around with no destination or time limit on his fun. He climbed trees, went for a swim in the near frozen water of the stream and ran until ice glistened on his fur.

How his mother would’ve scolded him in his youth for such a trick! He chuffed again and rolled in a pile of snow just because he could, racing a branch as it floated downstream in the water, and loving his sudden, brief freedom before the sound of something loud reached his sensitive ears and brought his head up.

Screeeeeeeeech!It sounded as if someone’s car had lost control, and that was of course, followed by a loud crash.

What the hell was that?His rational mind had guessed the cause of the noise, and his Tiger snarled. The beast was annoyed for a moment that his fun would have to stop.


There was no way around it. He was alone out there for miles and miles and the snow was falling even harder now. Dean would have to check to see if anyone was hurt, even if the idea was not tempting in the least.

He used his supernaturally enhanced senses as he raced through the frozen wonderland to where he’d initially heard the crash. There was something wrong, he thought as he listened for the sounds of humans exiting their vehicle and calling for help.

It was oddly quiet, too quiet, and that didn’t bode well for the people in the accident. Probably a family on their way to some relative’s home for the holiday, he thought and growled softly. Should’ve known better than to drive in this.

In New York, the snow would’ve melted as it hit the pavement. There was so much going on underground it hardly ever stuck in his experience, but out in the woods there were no underground grids and subways to melt the heavy, frozen white stuff. Driving in it was far too dangerous.

Once he found the man responsible and ascertained that he and his family were alright, Dean was going to tear the normal a new one. How dare he risk his family by driving in this weather!

That was the problem with humans, his animal thought back to him, they had no Neta to lead them.

He chuffed and ran harder. Closer now, he thought as the scent of burnt rubber and fuel reached his nostrils.

Shit.That smell was bad. It meant the car was burning. Dean hauled ass. He bounded over frozen tree roots and snow covered shrubs until he reached the wreckage.

All at once, two things became clear to him. As Dean’s Tiger leapt onto the trunk of the burning vehicle he saw that it wasn’t a family inside, and not a man driving.

A female.Yes, it was a woman. She was slumped over in the driver’s seat, injured he knew by the coppery scent of blood coming from her. As he breathed in the delicate fragrance, the other thing that became clear almost stunned him into immobility.

Mine.The stranger was not just a woman, she was his fated mate. Thunder roared in his head and his heart damn near squeezed him to death, but the sparks and black smoke rising from the vehicle spurted him into action.

Mine, growled his beast again as Dean swapped fur for skin so as to pull her from the wreck.

Sure, he was naked and it was cold as fuck, but he paid little attention to the weather. His mate was his only concern as he used all his might and strength to pull the crushed metal door off its hinges so he could free her from the burning car before the tree cracked completely and plunged them both into the water.

Dark eyes blinked open as he wrapped his arms around her to free her from the confines of the hunk of twisted metal. He could tell from her pupils that she was more than likely concussed.

“What happened?” she moaned as he lifted her in his arms.

“You’re okay,” he whispered offering her what comfort he could.

Fuck, she smelled even better up close. Like sugar cookies and warmth.

Like home, he thought and bent his head to breathe deeply of her.

“Hurts,” she moaned.

“You’ll be fine,” he answered, “I got you.”

“S-sorry,” she whimpered, and he looked down to see she’d passed out.

Damn. That was not good. He tightened his hold and hauled ass back to the cabin, moving inhumanly quick. Dean ran as fast as he could, holding her tiny frame carefully, bearing her weight easily as he hurried over the frozen forest, uncaring of the rocks and twigs that cut into the soles of his feet.

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