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“Damn it, Dean, you’re supposed to be there!” Alex raised his voice and slammed his hand down on the desk.

The man obviously forgot himself in the excitement of his discussion with his boss, but one growl from Dean and the feisty Tiger Shifter averted his gaze and bared his throat. After all, Dean Romero wasn’t just his boss, he was also his Neta.

Alex Kensington was not the first who’d scoffed at Dean’s announcement that he’d be spending the holidays alone in his new cabin in the Pine Barrens of South Jersey, but that was one of the perks of being in charge.

Dean Romero was the Tiger King, the Alpha, or as Bengal Tiger Shifters the world over preferred to call their leader, the Neta, of the Island Stripe Pride. His Pride was small, but fierce with a reputation for such. They operated primarily out of Manhattan but had footholds in several other major cities.

The Island Stripe Pride was also a large global conglomeration with interests from imports and exports, to farming, winemaking, shipping, and construction, and Dean was the CEO.

His Pride mates worked for him, learned from him, basked in his protection, and took care of one another as he instructed. Community, loyalty, and structure were important parts of living in the Shifter World, and Dean was very good in his roles as both Neta and CEO of the Island Stripe Pride and their corporation, ISP Inc.

“You will represent the Pride at this year’s holiday celebration,” Dean instructed.


“Alex, as my Beta, you will do quite well filling in for me at the Christmas party,” Dean told the younger man, who was still looking at the ground and baring his throat in submission.

Dean cursed inwardly and cut off the resounding growl that was still reverberating in his chest. His Neta powers were causing his Pride mate to basically grovel, and that was not the kind of man, not the kind of leader, he was. Dean had no interest in constantly proving his strength and control to others. He was the Neta.

Enough said.

“I’m tired, Alex,” Dean finally admitted the truth aloud as he picked up one of the sugar cookies his administrative assistant had delivered him that morning.

The darned things were his favorite and he’d already scoffed down two dozen. Good thing Shifter’s had an extremely fast metabolism or he’d worry. As it was, he could eat ten dozen and still be trim and fit for a man in his position.

“My Tiger is restless. Has been these past few months. The beast is hungry, but what he craves cannot be found in this city. I think the quiet space will help.”

Dean gestured to the crowded streets below them, visible through the impressive floor to ceiling windows in his penthouse office of the ISP Building in lower Manhattan.

“Perhaps a woman? Who knows you might get lucky this Christmas with a little miracle of your own?” Alex suggested and Dean shook his head.

“There is no such thing. Besides, no one in the Pride or among those close to us who sparks my interest. I just need a break.”

“Ouch! Excuse me, Scrooge. Hey, you’re not going rogue, are you, Neta?” Alex joked, but Dean could hear the sincerity behind the question.

His oldest friend feared for his beast’s sanity. He wanted to laugh at the impossibility of it all, but Dean could only grunt at him in response. The idea had crossed his mind, but he pushed it back. A Shifter went rogue for many reasons, but Dean didn’t have the luxury to give in to his own fancy.

No, he simply needed rest and some peace and quiet this Christmas. What was wrong with that? And Alex would do fine at the party. They’d known each other for years, having grown up with each other.

Alex had seen Dean rise to his position after his father had stepped down. He’d been a devoted part of Dean’s inner circle ever since. There had been no one to challenge him when he ascended to Neta, and he’d heard of none since.

Dean had always tried to run the Pride with justice and fairness. The same way he ran ISP, with the keen expertise and intelligence his vast education and years working with his father had afforded him.

He was just tired, that was all. It was as simple as that. And if his inner beast was restless and anxious, that was nothing to worry about.

Just tired, he repeated to his animal who rested inside of his mind’s eye.

“Maybe you need a woman?” Alex suggested.

As soon as his Beta posed the question, Dean’s enormous Tiger pushed forward, his glowing teal eyes bright in his mind’s eye, the beast thought a single word that made Dean recoil.


Well, fuck. He didn’t expect that. But even as the seconds passed into minutes, he knew it was the truth. The beast inside of him wanted his mate.

Lonely at the topwas too cliché, but it fit. He needed a partner, someone to share his wins and losses with. It had been a long time since Dean felt something other than the urge to quench his carnal appetites with a woman.

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