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Macy nodded. “You should come to one of our barbeques.”

“Yeah,” Lindsey agreed. “We had to bully Porter into showing up, but he’s a regular now.”

“I’ll ask him,” I promised.

The stylist had me sit on a wooden chair while she draped a nylon cover around my shoulders. There was an outlet on the porch, designed for Christmas lights and lawn mowers probably. She plugged her hairdryer in and went to work. I sat, feeling the heat and the exquisite comfort of gentle brush strokes. When she was done, Lindsey led me to her bathroom to look in the mirror.

A vision stared back at me. The red dress only looked sexier now that my styled hair fell softly around my face. I wanted to touch it, but I didn’t want to break the spell. Instead, I wiped a tear from my eye. This must have been what Linc felt when he described the whole town coming together to support him.

“Thank you,” I whispered.

“Go get him,” Lindsey said, giving me permission to continue my mission.

I raced back out the door, down the stairs, and into my car. Suddenly it seemed that Linc was too far away. If I didn’t find him soon, my window of opportunity would close. It was crazy, but in that moment, I was convinced that the future was slipping away. Maybe he wouldn’t stick around forever if I kept saying no. Maybe he would get tired and move on. I had to take a stand, pull out the big guns, and claim him for my own.

I drove straight to Linc’s house and hurried out of the car. Gina’s shoes were just a little too big and rubbed my arch the wrong way. I ignored the pain, clattering down the basement stairs toknock on the door. There was no answer. I tried the knob, but it was locked. Knocking again, I waited until I was sure he wasn’t home.

It was late. By now, it was approaching eleven. When I had met him in the park before, it had always been past midnight, but I didn’t know where else to look. I got back in my car and drove to the park.

The darkness was held back by four strategically placed streetlights, each one illuminating a corner of the parking lot. There was one other car at the far end, probably an employee who was working late. I climbed out, my high heels ill-suited for a stroll. I reached into the back to find my sneakers and, leaning up against the car, slipped my heels off and the tennis shoes on.

It would destroy the illusion of the red dress and the hair, but I needed to be able to walk. Locking the car, I ventured out into the park to see if I could find my one true love. Linc wasn’t at the playground, and he wasn’t visible on the track. I was about to return to my car in defeat when I saw a figure approaching from the trees.

I froze. Was it Linc? Or was it the owner of the mystery car? Or was it somebody else entirely? Should I run or call out? I remained where I was, frozen to the spot, watching the stranger advance on me. I finally recognized Linc’s gait, his particular limp where he favored his good leg.

My heart stilled. All vestiges of threat evaporated into the night. I had found my king. We converged slowly, neither of us eager to rush it. When we met in the middle, there was no need for words. His eyes swept across my figure, making all the prep work worthwhile. Taking me in his arms, he kissed me until I forgot that I had ever been angry.

“I want you,” he whispered, breaking away only to chase the urgency of our next act.

We couldn’t very well dive into the bushes. Gina’s dress would be ruined, and there might be another person in the park. The thought of a drive to either of our houses seemed like torture, but Linc’s was closest. We hurried into the car and sped off down the street. I felt his eyes on me.

“You look beautiful,” he said the way a drunk man would extol the virtues of a thousand-dollar bottle of wine.

I didn’t respond. There was nothing I needed to say. Just showing up dressed as I was spoke volumes. He knew I had forgiven him, but just in case there was any confusion, I turned toward him at the curb outside Mrs. Washington’s house.

“I want to be clear,” I began.

He nodded, his eyes betraying only the slightest hint of urgency.

“I forgive you, and I accept you back, but if you get scared again…”

“I won’t.” He removed my hand from the steering wheel and kissed it.

“You might.” I felt the first sparks light my insides, listening not to his words but to how he was delivering them.

“If I get scared again, I will come to you. I won’t push you away.” He broke contact and stepped out of the car, coming around to my door.

I allowed him to help me out, and he kissed me there on the sidewalk in front of nobody. It was midnight, and the street was empty. Yet the halo of light from the streetlamp embraced usand put our love on display. Taking me by the hand, he led me down the stairs to his apartment.

I remembered our last tryst in his living quarters, how desperate we had been to consummate the act. This time, Linc maintained composure all the way to the bedroom. I dropped my purse on the couch and followed him into the secluded space.

He closed the door, even though he didn’t have roommates, just to prove that we were truly alone. Cupping my face as if I were made of porcelain, he kissed me softly. “Tell me you want to sleep with me,” he said roughly, breaking the enchantment.

“I want to sleep with you,” I replied.

He seized the fabric of the dress at my hips and I was afraid he would damage it. “Tell me you want to fuck me.”

All concerns for Gina’s dress vanished. I latched onto his shirt at his biceps, afraid that I would melt into a puddle on the floor. “Yes,” I said.

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