Page 14 of His Revenge

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“If you feel uncomfortable at all, say yellow and I will slow down no matter what. If you want me to stop for any reason, including changing your mind, just say red and everything stops. I need to know you feel safe with me before I have you,” I instruct, hoping that it is enough.

“I understand. Please,” she begs me. Using her hips I lift her over my hardness, searching her eyes for any hesitation but only finding blazing desire. Lowering her onto me, we both moan. Her warmth envelopes me and it is more than I could have ever wished to have. Our lips reconnect and I start to move her slowly, pumping in and out of her, causing the water in the tub to splash up the side sides of the tub. I try to control myself and start slowly, to let her set our pace. The urge to fill her with my cum is an echo in my head with each thrust into the warmth that she offers me. Coming up from our kiss only to breathe, I know that I would gladly die for this woman.

“Your tight pussy is going to make me cum too quickly like some teenage boy,” I tell her, breathing hard and fighting my release.

“I want everything you can give me Leo. Let go and fuck me the way you have fantasized about,” She challenges me and my only answer is a guttural growl. I pull out of her and turn her around in my lap while I grasp her neck. With one hand around her waist as I seat her on my cock, I use my free hand to move her hair. I nuzzle her neck, placing rough kisses from her shoulder to her jaw.

“Anything for my fiancée,” I whisper in her ear before bending her forward and pushing myself inside of her. Her hands are gripping the side of the tub as I unleash my innerbeast. The tub is made of stone, which provides just enough grip for me to be able to go as hard as she allows me to. Her hands are gripping the edges of the tub to steady her, allowing my thrusts to get more violent and erratic as her walls clench around me.

“Does my pretty butterfly like how brutally I own her body?” I ask, slowing only to allow her time to respond.

“Yes, Sir,” she pants out and I swear I see stars. This woman is perfect for me.

“I need you to cum for me. I am not going to last much longer, and I need to feel you explode on my cock,” I instruct her while I reach around her to rub her clit. With a few rough thrusts, I see the pleasure takeover. Every muscle in her body tightens, and she screams out my name. That part sends me over the edge with her. The orgasm is explosive and has me seeing spots.

“You are mine, Butterfly, and I will never let anything bad happen to you.”

Chapter Eighteen


“Marriage traditionally is about money and surrendering power but mine gives me my freedom.”

The only sound reverberating around us in the room was our combined heavy breathing as we both float down from the bliss of our orgasms. He pulls me onto his lap and lays me against his chest. My heart rate is erratic but I feel myself relax into his arms. He is nothing like I expected. I thought he would be rough and heartless like his father and all the stories I heard about theAngel of Deathbut he is his own man. Now that I think about it, I have never heard a story about him that involves a woman or a child.

We lay in the water with our heartbeats synchronizing, just enjoying the company. I could sit in his lap for the rest of time without a second thought because I am safe. For the first time in my life I am actually able to relax. Trust will take time to build but with everything he has opened up about today, we have an amazing start. The water is losing its heat when one of his arms slides under my knees. Before I can fully register what ishappening around me he is stepping out of the bathtub. I release an involuntary shiver from the temperature change.

He sets me on the bathroom counter before wrapping me in a towel. This is the most gentle that anyone on this earth has ever been to me. When I was a child the nannies were there but they had strict instructions not to hold or provide comfort to me. I grew up rocking myself to sleep at night until the monsters started to visit. The first night, I screamed and cried until he covered my face with a pillow and only let me breathe enough to live. When I finally came to, I ran to my nanny and my dad in the kitchen. He excused my caretaker and sat calmly at the table. I hung my head with my tears falling to the table below. He told me that it was my duty to our family and I was required as part of a deal. I was eight but I learned that there was no screaming, hiding or getting away because I had nowhere to go and no one to protect me.

This is different; Leo is less like our fathers and more like the men from my books. The man that makes me shiver in anticipation instead of fear. While I may see the good in him, I feel the darkness just below the surface of those blue eyes and it scares me. There is no way to know if that darkness is contained or if he will one day wrap me in his violence until I cannot breathe to get a reprieve from the violence my life is made of. Then I feel the caress of a towel across my arm and I blink back to the present.

“What thoughts have my Butterfly so lost in her own world?” he inquires gently, treating me like the timid deer I am. Tugging my lower lip into my mouth, I contemplate how to answer that without scaring him away. He may not admit that he thinks that I am damaged but he only knows a fraction of what my history is as the heiress of my fathers empire.

“I am too damaged to be your queen, Leo. I am a broken branch in the forest; you should marry someone better than me,”I say, avoiding his eyes. He won’t like what I have said, but it's the truth. Plain and simple, if he plans to take down our fathers then he needs someone less broken than me. He needs to have a fighter by his side, not a used and abused shell of a woman. I close my eyes and brace for the rejection I have become so accustomed to when I feel him slip away from me.

“Open those eyes, beautiful,” He says in a gentle but firm tone. Three…. Breath… Two… Breath… One… I open my eyes and see the expansive bathroom before I look down. Leo, the fuckingAngel of Deathis on his fucking knees in the bathroom in front of me.

“You may not feel like it, but you are my queen. You have surprised me time and time again with every conversation. You are resilient and earth-shatteringly beautiful. Each of your scars tells me a new story. I am sorry that I waited to claim you as mine. There are no words to encompass the guilt I bear for your pain, but I can promise you that even with my dying breath, you will be protected.” As the last word leaves his lips the tears spill over.

“You’re on your knees for me,” I utter in disbelief that the strong man I know him to be is currently looking up at me from his knees.

“Every king worth his salt kneels before his queen, and if he is really good, he does it in more than one way,” He says with a smirk as I feel the blush creep up my cheeks.

He rises from the floor placing kisses on my body as he works his way up to my forehead. Leo picks me up bridal-style and carries me to his bed. The room is dark when he sets me down. I squirm under the covers when he turns toward the dresser. Wiggling my way down into his bed I am enveloped in his scent. Typically, I would fight sleep to cover my scars with at least a shirt, but I can't find the will to sit up and lose this feeling. Myeyes begin to flutter as I feel the dip next to me. He scoots in closer, pulling me onto his chest and I drift to sleep.

The ringing of a phone invades my peaceful sleep. The sound won’t shut up, so I stir. Leo stands up from the bed and walks to the dresser. He grabs a black t-shirt and throws it on while he answers the call.

“Hello,” He says in an emotionless voice. The dark emptiness of his tone has me burrowing into the bed. I can only hear his side of the conversation but he isn’t hiding the call from me which has to be a good sign.

“Understood,” Is the last word he says before he puts the phone down. He turns toward the bed and walks to my side. Turning toward me, I see the fear in his eyes. You could hear both of our shallow breaths, each afraid for our own reasons.

“That was a work call, I'm going away for a day or two. I have to leave within the hour,” He speaks with fear leaking into his voice as I sit up in bed.

“I didn't think that theAngel of Deathgot scared,” I say in an attempt to lighten the mood plaguing the room. At my words his muscles tense and then his shoulders fall. Finding my way to the edge of the bed sitting right below him, I find his eyes.

“The idea of leaving you unprotected terrifies me. I'm scared that you won't be here to come home to,” His hushed whisper is enough for me to know how raw this is for him.

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