Page 88 of Fastlander Phoenix

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The rev of an engine sounded, and a truck zoomed in and out of the trees, aiming for them.

Timber hunched down, readying to charge, but Hallie’s hand was gentle against her shoulder. “It’s Lucia.”

“Get in!” a dark-haired woman screamed through the open window.

Riyah turned back into her human form, and it dragged the human from Timber as well. She pitched forward on her hands and knees, retching at the fast Change and the pain it caused.

Sloane was already in her human form again, and was shoving Ruger into the back seat of Lucia’s truck. Riyah and Hallie piled in with him, and Timber moved to get in the front passenger’s seat.

“Not. You!” The dark-haired woman’s green eyes were blazing brightly as she glared at her. “Go save them.”

“Me? Save them?” she asked drunkenly, swaying on her two legs. Her skin was tingling from the Change.

“Yeah,” Lucia barked. “They’re all dead without you.”


“Damon’s Mountains!”

And then Timber saw it. She saw the tears streaming down Lucia’s face. She saw the anger and fear there. Lucia slammed her head back against the headrest a couple times. “You can stop him, right?”

Timber shook her head, confused.

“Wreck is burning everyone.” Lucia jammed her finger at the hillside, and time slowed as a tear streamed down to her jaw. “My father is up there. My mate is up there. My mother is in the sky trying to stop the freaking dragons from eating the ashes. It’s on you, Timber. It was always on you. Fix it!”

“Oh my God,” Timber uttered.

“I can go with her,” Riyah yelled.

“You’ll die!” Lucia shrieked. “I see all of you dead! We’re all dead!” A sob racked her body, and she inhaled deeply. “Timber, I’m dead without Landon. Bring him back.”

Timber looked up to the sky, and she could see the massive phoenix circling, making his way back toward the territory of the Fastlanders. His flaming wings beat the air, and a deafening metallic screech filled the night.

Oh God, he was burning everything?

“The fire is too thick! I’ll never make it,” she cried out.

“If Ace is still alive, he will come get you. He knows what to do! There’s a plan. Just run.”

She had to trust them. She had to!

Timber took off, bolted up the hillside toward the growing flames. Lucia was yelling something behind her, but she didn’tslow down enough to listen to her words. Wreck was burning the mountains.

The inhabitants of Damon’s Mountains had been in the woods, but all she could see was fire and smoke. No one was coming down the hillside. No one was running away.

There was no escape, by either side.

Devastation racked her as she climbed higher and higher, panicked, feet on fire as she tried to find places wide enough to get through the burning brush.

The flames were consuming the mountains, and her feet blistered against the hot ground as she ran between walls of flame.


She ducked and dodged burning, low-hanging limbs, heading off-trail when the fire got too hot.


She couldn’t let him burn everything. Wreck would never forgive himself. How could he? How could anyone?

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