Page 84 of Fastlander Phoenix

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“What’s happened?”

Her eyes welled with tears, and there on her cheeks, under those glowing blue eyes, her emotions spilled over and raced down to her jawline. “Wreck, please. We have to save her.”

He didn’t know how to do this. He didn’t know how to save people. He could only kill them. He could only burn them. He could only destroy.

But his mate was sitting there crying, heart in her unrecognizable eyes, and she believed in him, so he had to try.

Vyr was in the parking lot now, pacing, destroying cars under his massive claws. People were screaming. A roar rattled the room, and the pressure was on, but they didn’t understand.

Wreck wasn’t a healer.

Wreck was a destroyer.

His dad sat on the overturned bed. “You don’t do that. You only kill.”

He understood his hatred for his father in this moment. For his entire life, his father had haunted him. He’d convinced him that he was only bad, but that’s not the way life worked. There was good and bad in everyone.

Timber brought out the good in Wreck.

Wreck lifted his middle finger to his father and strode for his mate. He dropped down to his knees and pulled Riyah’s body against his chest, then pulled Timber tight against them. “Pull the fire, then,” he rumbled to his mate as tingling chills lifted across his entire body.

The room was full of magic. It was loud with the growling that emanated from Timber. It was dark with the stink of death, but it wasn’t over yet. He could hear the heartbeat struggling for life in Riyah’s chest, and he had to try.

Timber was looking straight into his soul with those glowing eyes. He would never get the Timber he knew back now. She would be an animal, and that bitch in the corner had done this. That lioness.

He would not let her steal Riyah from the red dragon.

Timber pressed her palm against his and lifted it next to their faces, intertwining their fingers, unblinking blue eyes on his. She was still crying, but she didn’t look heartbroken anymore. She looked angry. She looked determined.

A flicker of green started at their fingertips and spread down their arms, igniting them both completely, until the room was full of green fire.

The building buckled as the dragon roared, and ceiling tiles came crashing down around them. Outside, people were screaming and shrieking, but he couldn’t pay attention to that now. The green fire was consuming him. He had to concentrateso that it stayed green, and healing, and didn’t hurt the woman he loved. So the heat wouldn’t touch the shifter he loved.

Riyah arched hard, her spine contorting as her arms spread wide. Timber hugged her close, whispering, “It’s okay. I’m going to make it okay. You’re not alone.”

Something about her words fueled the heat inside of him.

The small light-green flames burst wider in a wave of forest green, and suddenly, nothing else existed but him, Timber, and Riyah.

The motel disappeared and was replaced by a black abyss. Riyah’s body buckled, and her eyes flew open. They were full of green flames, and she gasped. She searched his gaze and whispered, “You are needed.”

With an ear-piercing scream, she clasped her hands onto his face. Pain wrenched through him.

Sparks flew out of him as he yelled in agony, and then he was blown backward.

The dimness faded into something he didn’t understand.

The shadows and sparks died down, and he was squatted down in the Fastlander trailer park.

Timber and Riyah had been thrown ten yards across the clearing, and looked shocked.

“Are you okay?” Timber asked. Her entire body was shaking from shock.

Riyah looked down at her clothes, shredded and bloody. She leaned back and lifted the tattered, bloodied material to expose a thin silver web of scarring across her stomach.

“He…” Riyah looked up, her glowing blue eyes on him. “You healed me.”

And Riyah, the witch, had transported them back here. He wasn’t the only powerful being in this clearing.

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