Page 18 of Fastlander Phoenix

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Nothing. I’m not going to the dumb meeting.Send.

We can rebuild the firepit you blew up together. As a Crew.

Wreck blocked him and shoved his phone back into his pocket, barely resisting the urge to set the damn thing on fire.


Wreck climbed out of the driver’s seat of his truck. The second his boot hit earth, he could hear it—the whizzing of something headed straight for his head. He glanced up, and threw his hand up fast enough to catch the blade painfully in the palm of his hand.

He cursed, yanked the knife out of his hand, and lifted his fiery glare to Ace, who sat in a neon-orange lawn chair beside the firepit he’d struck with lightning a couple months back.

“What the hell, man?” Wreck demanded.

“Read the inscription.”

Wreck wiped the bloody blade on his work pants and read the words that had been carved into the blade.

Best Friends Forever.

“Tell me the rest of you don’t have matching ones,” he gritted out.

Ace stood, and sighed. “Wasn’t my idea.”

“Whose was it?” Wreck demanded, the heat of rage creeping up the back of his neck.

“Pretty sure Captain commissioned Beaston to make them.” Ace pulled a folded pocketknife from his pocket and held it up into the air. “Always wanted a Beaston knife, I just could’ve done without the stupid inscription.”

Wreck watched Ace get into his truck and drive away, his mouth hanging open, awe warring with fury inside of him.

He’d also wanted a Beaston knife, but they were too damn expensive. They cost an arm and a leg. How could Captain afford to have these made for all of them?

He looked down at the blade again, and closed it. He would’ve already thrown it at Captain’s trailer, flipping the knife blade end over end until it sunk deep into his house, but this was a Beaston knife. A motherfreaking Beaston knife.

He would just have to find a way to scratch the inscription off.


Wreck sipped from his thermos of hot coffee and pulled open his truck door to find what looked suspiciously like afriendship bracelet, like the ones kids traded when they were in elementary school.

“Whaaat?” he yelled, his voice echoing through the trailer park as he yanked the bracelet off his driver’s seat.

Someone had taken the time to put his goddamn name on it in white-letter beads, and the threads were all done in fire colors—red, orange, and yellow.

He chucked it into the woods and gave a middle finger to the empty trailer park, because he knew those motherfuckers were watching him and laughing about his reactions. God, he hated them. He was going to talk to Damon about officially transferring out of this Crew. He’d already printed out the petition to leave the Crew. He would sign it and take it to him tonight, after he finished this massive fence project right in the middle of town, where there were a hundred-thousand-million people and barking dogs. He hadn’t seen Timber in days, but he kept looking for her. He was on edge and needed to Change, and these village idiots wouldn’t stop messing with him. He wanted to burn the entire town to the ground.

“Timber called.”

With a ready glare, Wreck turned around to face Hallie. “Why would she call you?”

“I’m guessing because she doesn’t have your number.” Hallie held a ripped piece of notebook paper up in the air, and from here, he could see a phone number scribbled in pen. She approached and handed it over. “She said she found my contact information on the shifter registry.” She shrugged. “Mine is the only one of the Fastlanders that has a phone number attached to my profile.”

“I need your little friends to leave me alone.”

“Hey, Gunner and I have nothing to do with them pestering you for friendship.”

“They don’t give a shit about being friends,” he barked. “They are just messing with me and pushing me until I snap, and I’m there, Hallie. I’m so fucking close.”

“I told them that. But you know, I don’t think they’re messing with you, Wreck.” He didn’t understand the anger in her voice. She stepped closer and lowered her voice. “I know this might be a shock, but for whatever reason, they are looking past your infinite bad attitude and actually trying to build something with you.”

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