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Although, all things considered, out of the two of us he is the one with a long-term girlfriend-turned-fiancée. Three years apart and he still managed to get his chick back, and now he’s got a rock on her finger blinding every dude who lays his eyes on her. Maybe Ishouldask him for advice.

I decide that that’s a bad idea as I unlock the cabin that we’re focusing on this morning. Tate’s intentions are pure but I don’t want to be inappropriate. Instead I pull out my phone and shoot a text off to my brother, telling him that I might need to give him a dial in a bit.

The crew all arrive and we settle back into the grind but my mind remains distracted at how quiet it is up at those bungalows.

During her first week here Harper was a little nightmare, ‘overseeing’ the site like a spoiled princess. But now that we’ve sort of… gotten used to each other, sometimes I get a smile, sometimes I get a wave. One morning she even opened the window and offered me breakfast.

But if I step foot in that bungalow there’s only one thing that I’m gonna be eating.

I wipe my hand down my jaw. Fuck it. I need to see that she’s alright.

I’m five paces out of the cabin door when I feel my cell vibrate in my pocket. Clenching my jaw to hold back a groan, I pull the phone out of my cargos and hit the answer button.

“Yeah, it’s Coleson,” I say curtly, eyes trained up on Harper’s unmoved curtains.What is happening inside that bungalow?

I hear a snicker in the speaker. “Stole my line, man.”

I shift the cell from one ear to another, suddenly apprehensive about this call with my brother. I need him to keep me on the straight and narrow, to prevent me from doing anything unprofessional.

I take a deep breath and bite the bullet.

“We need to talk about the chick.”

“Fucking finally,” he agrees.

I wait him out, hoping for a little advice. Then I realise that he’s also waitingmeout, thinking that he’s about to get an update.

“Oh Jesus,” he grumbles. I can almost see him rolling his eyes. “Don’t tell me that you’ve been pining for three weeks without making a move.”

“That’s exactly what I’ve been doing, and that’s exactly what I need tokeepdoing. I’m calling you so that you can punch some sense into me. Get my mind off of…”The thought of her soft thighs locking tight around my hips, her back arching high off of the mattress. Her nails scoring red lines down my skin and those perky curves bouncing fast with every thrust.

My silence doesn’t go unnoticed. He breathes out an exasperated exhalation and half-scolds me, “Are you messing with me right now? The second that I saw that woman I knew that you were gonna be all over that. Get your head out of your ass and put yourself out there. What’s the worst that can happen? Her saying ‘no’?”

“What about getting charged with sexual harassment in a workplace?”

“A workplace that she doesn’t have the paperwork to legally be at,” he interjects.

Wait, what? I try to think back to when I gave her that first briefing in my office. Did she say that she had the docs to be here? I can’t fucking remember. The only coherent memories I have of that morning involve red lace tangled over my digits and her panties poking out above the waistband of her jeans.

I shake my head.Get back on track.

“Or losing my job because I was hired by hermom.” I grip a fist in my hair. “Jesus Christ. She’s almost young enough to be my kid.”

“Only if you had a kid at, like, eighteen,” he says consolingly.

I give him a long pause to think about what he just said. Then I grit out through my teeth, “Which Idid.”

Okay, so she’s not actually young enough to be my kid. But an age gap over ten years seems steep to me. She’s twenty-eight. I’m pushing forty. Generationally we are worlds apart. I’m from the last group of guys that wants to court a woman before they bed her. Whereas she… God, just thinking about it makes a hot flame lap at the muscles swelling in my abdomen.

She’s from a new generation, the type where sex comes first and thoughts about whether or not they want a relationship comes after. And that is not an arrangement that would work with me.

If it got to the point where I had her moaning on my sheets I know for a fact that I wouldn’t ever be letting her go.

“This is what I think,” Jace says, after giving me the ten seconds that I needed to calm the hell down. “Is she on-site right now?” he asks.

“Yeah. She’s in her… bungalow.”

“Okay, perfect. Go over there, knock on her door, and then gauge how she seems when she opens it up. If she seems pleased to see you, come out with it straight. Tell her you wanna date her and see how she responds. On the flip side, if she doesn’t seem happy to see you just tell her how far along you are with the reno and get the hell out of there. Find someone else to fill up your evenings. Well, someone else to fillupin your evenings.”

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