Page 4 of Where We Left Off

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When I glance back at him again, this time I peep the contents of his garage. My brow creases. “Why does he have so many saws and shovels?” I ask.

My mom laughs as her eyes flick over to the garage. “He owns a joinery company. He’s as normal as they come.”

Now I’m really jealous. He closes the garage as my mom puts the car in Park and he comes over to open her door for her. I’m frozen in wonder as he helps her out and gives her a peck on the cheek, saying something to her in a voice like maple syrup.

I take a few deep breaths but somehow they make me feel even more anxious, so I decide to fuck the breathing and just get out of the car.

Once I close my door I’m met with sparkling oceanic eyes and deep bedded dimples. High-five mom.

“River,” he drawls, a handsome smile playing on his lips, “I’m so happy that you’re here.”

Wow. Me too.

He points at himself and says, “Mitchell, but call me Mitch. Or Mitchell. Whatever’s your preference.”

One of his arms is wrapped around my mom’s shoulders and he ushers me with his free hand, saying, “Please, come inside.”

Mitch and my mom are inside the doorway by the time that I make it to the top of the steps. It’s still light out, but there’s a welcoming glow emitting from the entryway, not to mention thesmell. No way can a guy this hot also cook. I glance at my mom again and wonder if she did witchcraft to summon this man.

“I hope you’re hungry,” he says as he takes my mom’s coat. His accent is so thick that I could pour it over pancakes. “My son insisted on making the food tonight and he’s kind of awesome when it comes to cooking.”

He glances over to the kitchen and calls, “Tate, get out here!”

Instantly I pause.



My eyes flash to the direction of the kitchen and I watch as Mitch’s son steps out. He holds a kitchen towel in one hand andhe’s sweeping tousled hair out of his eyes with the other when his gaze meets mine. His body instantly stills and his expression turns to pure shock. He clutches the towel in his fist with renewed vigour.

Mitch smacks him on the back and grins at me. “I hope you don’t mind having a step-brother!”

My stomach drops and I swallow hard.




Chapter 2

Three Years Ago

I quickly shut my locker as I hear the doors to the hallway swing open.

This year’s class of sophomore boys is truly terrifying. I think it’s because they’re taller than the juniors, and the seniors are too depressed to care about keeping up a reputation anymore. I’m only a freshman but everyone can see the hierarchy. I know exactly whose radar to avoid this Fall.

I don’t know the one at the front but he has black hair, big shoulders, and he’s dripping with rain. Suddenly, he pulls his arm back and then slams it forward, launching the basketball in his hand like a missile. It whacks down on the floor so hard that it is re-propelled against the ceiling, before it bounces along the rest of the corridor away from its handler.

I don’t blame you little guy. Keep bouncing.

“Get that for me?” Shoulders is talking. It’s pre-period so the hallway is rammed and, almost comically, the entire corridor turns to see who he has graced with his attention.

My mouth goes dry.

He’s leaning back with the two other alphas and he’s staring dead into my eyes. The one to the right snorts like that’s the best joke he’s heard in the past four weeks. Dirty blond tousled hair and eyes that look like they could cut you. He thinks that he’s a stud, but he has the ugliest smirk that I’ve ever seen.

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