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Elijah shrugs. “She never said, and I never asked.”

“Thechildrenwould explain the drained bodies,” Topher says what we’re all thinking.

“What was her purpose for coming to Charleston?” Connor asks.

“Again, I never asked. Minding one’s business is an excellent way to keep friends.”

“You’re just full of useful information,” I say as bitchy Elsie rears her ugly head.

Elijah stands. “I believe that is my cue to leave.” He moves closer to the door and bows to the people in the room. “It’s been a pleasure to make your acquaintances.” He closes the door behind him.

“A horde of hungry vampires in the vicinity doesn’t sound like a good thing,” Micah says, crossing his arms in front of him.

“Who is Patrice? Is her name familiar to anyone?” Topher asks.

“I don’t know, but I intend to find out.” Amelia wraps her blanket tighter.

“It seems we have a much larger problem than Kragen and Eudora at the moment.” Connor stands from his desk.

I can’t control the laugh that boils up from inside me. “The Goddess of the Sea, a two-thousand-year-old vampire, and their offspring are trumped by a horde of hungry vampires? That was not on my bingo card for today.”

Amelia joins my laughter. “I agree.” She turns to the men surrounding us. “What are we going to do about it?”

“How long is Eudora willing to wait?” Micah asks.

I shrug. “I have no idea. She doesn’t seem like the type of person that shares her plans on a regular basis.”

“Then we deal with the horde first,” Topher announces, taking the lead.

“We need to get into that house.” Micah nods at the television screen. “Something tells me there is more to the story than what they’re reporting.”

“I’ll make some calls.” Connor steps out of the room with his phone in hand.

“What are you thinking?” Thorne asks Micah.

He shrugs. “Nothing specific, but something feels off about this entire thing. First, Eudora and her daughter are in town and now this. There’s more to this than the obvious.”

Connor steps back into the office. “We have access to the house at midnight.”

“Will we be alone?” Micah asks.

“Yes.” Connor turns toward Topher. “If you don’t mind, I’d like Micah to accompany you four to the house.”

“Of course,” Topher answers.


house of horrors

A little before midnight,the five of us load into a black SUV. Topher climbs in the front next to Micah, while Thorne, Amelia, and I slide into the back. “The house is about twenty minutes from here,” Micah announces, speeding away from the front of the lycan bar.

“What are we looking for?” Amelia asks.

“Honestly, I don’t know. I hope with our heightened senses, we might pick up on something the humans couldn’t,” he answers.

Twenty minutes later, Micah turns onto a long driveway surrounded by overgrown bushes and stops in front of the house I recognize from the news broadcast. Bright yellow police tape is still wrapped around the porch, blowing in the Atlantic winds.

“It looks haunted,” Amelia announces, climbing out of the back seat.

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