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“The goddess?” Amelia repeats. “Are you sure, Autumn?”

She helps the immortal child sit up, coughing water as she moves. “Yes. The goddess.” She coughs again, this time spewing gallons from her body. “She’s the one who took us down there. She left me and took Alexander.”

“Eudora?” Amelia asks our group.

“Anything’s possible at this point.” I turn back toward Autumn. “Was there anyone with the goddess? Another woman perhaps?”

“No,” she answers. “She was alone.”

I cross my arms in front of my chest. “Is anyone else confused? This entire thing is a load of shit. I don’tknow who’s going where or when, or who the bad guy is. It seems to be changing rapidly.”

“I think we can all agree that Kragen is the bad guy.” Thorne moves to my side. His wounds are mostly healed, and he stands straighter than earlier. “Patrice was a close second.”

Amelia helps Autumn to her feet. “Can you tell us what the goddess looked like?” she asks the young girl.

“She was beautiful. Her hair was the color of sand, and her eyes were the color of emeralds.”

“That certainly sounds like Eudora. What would she want with Alex?” Thorne asks the group.

“His ability?” Luna answers. “It could be very valuable.”

“Yeah, but Eudora’s a goddess. The ability to read minds is nothing in her world,” Micah answers. “There’s more to it than the obvious.”

“Because of me,” I say as reality hits me. “She’s holding him until I do what she wants.”

“Don’t take this the wrong way, Elsie, but what would a goddess want from you?” Luna’s words are harsh.

“She wants her to kill Kragen,” Thorne fills in the blanks.

“Are we back to that again?” Luna continues. “What the hell is it with you and Kragen? Do you two have some sort of love connection?”

As soon as the words leave her mouth, Thorne is on top of the young lycanthrope with teeth bared. Topherdoesn’t waste a second and shifts back into wolf form. He snarls at the vampire, protecting the member of his pack.

“Stop!” I shout, moving to the center of the shit show that’s about to begin. “This isn’t going to solve anything.” I make eye contact with Amelia, who moves closer to her husband. I do the same for Thorne.

“What the hell was that?” Luna asks. “I’m here to help, and you try to kill me?”

Thorne’s teeth return back to normal. “I’m sorry, Luna.”

“Yeah, well sorry’s not going to fix the fact that you just tried to eat me.”

“Everyone needs to calm down. We’ll be no help to Alex if we’re fighting each other.” Amelia rubs a wound healing on her arm from her fight with Thorne as she speaks. “If Elsie’s right and Eudora took Alex to convince her to kill Kragen, then we need to figure out our next step.”

“I’m next stepped out,” Luna announces, sitting heavily on a large rock.

“We can’t leave him,” Everly says, tears filling her eyes. “We can’t leave Alexander alone with her.”

“Yeah, I know,” Luna answers. “I’m just hangry.”

“What does that mean?” Everly asks.

“It means I need to eat.” Luna stands, pulling Everly with her. “I have no intentions of leaving Alex with Eudora.” She sighs and props her hands on her hips. “Do we even know where tofind Eudora?”

“She left a message for you,” Autumn says, moving toward her sister.

“Patrice?” I ask.

Autumn’s tiny head shakes back and forth. “No, the goddess.”

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