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“Elsie,”Alex whispers through my mind. His voice sounds weak and barely audible.

“Where are you?”


“Under what?”Alex doesn’t answer.“Alex!”Shit. What did that bitch do to them? I change tactics. “Samirah? Where are you, you crazy bitch? I know you’re here. What happened? Did you get tired of Kragen? He’s a hard pill to swallow.” My words taunt her, hoping to draw her from her hiding spot.

“Do you know how many young girls he tookadvantage of? How many innocent lives he stole, drained, and abused?” I continue my taunts, working my way up the spiral staircase toward the living quarters. “I can’t imagine what it’s like to be you, willingly giving your body to a monster like him. You’re just one of hundreds, hell, thousands of others.” I stop walking. “Oh, wow. You might want to get checked for diseases. Oh, wait. Vampires can’t get STD’s, can they?” I continue moving. “Either way, the lack of self-esteem you must hold deep inside. You know, I’ve heard that never really goes away. Whatever sort of person you were before being turned is intensified after you’re turned. You must have been one hell of a human.”

Samirah’s energy overwhelms me as she rushes in front of me. “You know nothing of me or my life.” Anger fills her words.

“Sure, I do.” I continue my verbal assault. I look her up and down, realizing she’s wearing the same sort of dress Kragen forced me to wear so many years ago. I can’t hold the laugh inside. “Look at you. He’s dressed you like one of his little wenches. One of his toys.” I look around at what’s left of the lighthouse. “Let me guess. Kragen sent you to do his dirty work? He never was one to get his hands dirty. At least in that way.”

“I should’ve killed you when I had the chance.”

“Don’t fool yourself, Samirah. You never had the chance to kill me. In fact, you don’t have one now. Where are the children?”

“The children are none of your concern,” she retorts.

“That’s where you’re wrong. They are every bit of my concern.” I step closer to the woman. “You’re nothing but a plaything to him. When he’s bored of you, he’ll throw you away like I witnessed him do so many times before. You’re an idiot if you think anything more.”

“Kragen loves me.”

I laugh. “The only person Kragen loves is himself. I was with him for nearly a century. I know him. He’ll discard you like the trash that you are.” I move even closer, sending my energy throughout the room and filling every open space.

“You’re jealous.”

My laugh echoes off the brick walls. “No. Jealousy is not an emotion I’m feeling at the moment.”

It’s Samirah’s turn to laugh. “You’re weak. That goat’s blood you’re drinking makes you a weakling, just like it did Thorne.” She looks behind me. “Where is he, by the way? I was hoping to see him again.” She licks her lips. “He was always sodelectable. Tell me. Does he still whimper just before he comes?”

I don’t hesitate. The back of my hand slaps across her cheek, shoving her hard into the staircase wall.

“That almost hurt.” She holds her cheek, smiling. “Seems like I’ve touched a nerve.” She stands straighter, removing her hand from her face.

“Where are the children?” I return to my mission.

“Didn’t you and Patrice just have this same conversation? I’m beginning to see why Kragen got rid of you in the first place.”

“I’m done with you.” I move in the blink of an eye behind Samirah, wrapping my elbow around her neck. “It’s time for you to die.”

Samirah shoves her head backward into mine, slamming our skulls together with such force, that the impact forces me to loosen my grip. She’s across the room in a heartbeat and standing on a half-destroyed chest of drawers. “You know, Thorne and I fucked for years. I was just one ofmanyhe enjoyed the company of while he was seeking solace from your disappearance. Your captain isn’t the saint you think he is.”

I refuse to listen to the ramblings of a crazy woman. Or in this case, a crazy vampire. “Where are the children?” I repeat for the last time.

Samirah leaps from the chest of drawers, landing on top of me, and knocking me to what remains of the wooden floor. She wraps her legs around my waist, holding my arms above my head with hers. “I’m older than you, bitch. You don’t stand a chance.”

I take a deep breath, searching for the strength that’s reared its head a few times in the past. My ability, as Amelia and Fran believe. Deep in the recesses of my mind, I find it. Imagining the tiny ball of strength spreading throughout my entire body, I close my eyes, allowing it to take control. Before when I’ve used theability,it was just something that happened. Now, I feel it. The surge of power rushes me.

“Just because you’re old, doesn’t mean you’re strong.” I lift my arms easily, throwing her petite body off mine and across the room. Samirah slams into the metal railing of the stairs, sending a high-pitched ring throughout the lighthouse. She stands, shaking her head and reminding me of a cartoon character.

I’m in front of her a heartbeat later. “I asked you a question.” Lifting my foot, I roundhouse kick her in the stomach, knocking her into the concrete wall once more. “I won’t ask again.”

She struggles to stand, wiping blood from the back of her skull. “Bitch,” she mutters under her breath. “How are you so strong?”

“Because Patrice isn’t the only one who collectsspecialhumans.” I move faster than she can track, slamming her head into the wall and leaving a head-sized dent. “I’m guessing that’s why Kragen sent you here in the first place.”

“Kragen didn’t send me, you stupid whore.” Samirah pulls away from the wall, staggering as she attempts to stand still.

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