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“Hello,” his mother greets us. “I didn’t expect you to bring other people.”

“I’m Fran.” She moves in front of the family, shaking their hands. “I hope you don’t mind that we tagged along. My daughters and their spouses love the zoo. We’ll go separate ways, so we don’t have a huge crowd to deal with.” She laughs as she speaks.

“Of course, we don’t mind,” the woman answers. “It’s a pleasure to meet you all.” She looks at each person in our group. “You certainly have beautiful daughters.”

Fran laughs. “I do. It’s all in the genes.”

I stare in awe at the elderly vampire. Hidden behind her weak facade, she’s a force to be reckoned with. “Mom, we’ll meet y’all later?”

“Sounds good,honey,” Fran answers.

Thorne, Alex, and I follow the family toward the beginning of the zoo. Brayden and Alex immediately run ahead, staying close enough to see. I know without asking that Alex is hoping to discover more of his ability.

“So, how long are y’all visiting the city?” Thorne asks, putting on a strong Southern accent.

“We’re heading home tomorrow,” the father answers. “I’m afraid I don’t know your name.”

Thorne holds his hand out, shaking the humans. “Thorne, and this is my wife, Elsie.”

“Michael, and this is my wife, June.” He looks at the two boys, staying ahead of us. “Looks like they’ve made friends.”

“Alex is our little social butterfly,” I answer.“Don’t get too far ahead,”I send a warning.

“We’re good.”

We spend the next hour visiting every animal on display. The energy of my pretend family is nearby, offering support if needed. We move to the back portion of the zoo, to the edges of the Mississippi River while the boys disappear behind a hedge of bushes.

“This is such a beautiful area,” June says, overlooking the murky water.

“Yes, it is,” I agree.

“Where are the boys?” Michael asks, looking around. “Brayden?” he calls.

“Alex!” I copy. Neither boy answers.“Alex!”I’m met with silence.

I turn, meeting Thorne’s eyes.“I’m sure they’re around here somewhere.”He reassures me through our connection. “We’ll find them,” he says out loud as he and Michael leave the two of us alone.

“Elsie!”Alex’s voice calls through my mind.“Can you hear me?”

“Aye. Where are you?”

“Patrice is here!”

“I can’t feel your energy. Where are you?”I turn, searching for his familiar feeling.

“Brayden and I are hiding.”

“Dammit, Alex. She’ll find you.”

“No, she won’t. Brayden doesn’t just pull down our barriers, he’s a shield, too.”

I turn toward the unsuspecting mother, looking her in her eyes. “June, I need you to come with me and not ask any questions.” Her eyes dilate as she repeats my words. I wrap my hand around hers, pulling her closer to the energy of my family.“Thorne?”

“I heard. We’re on our way.”

Seconds later, I’m standing in front of two lycan, a vampire, a hybrid, and a baby that I don’t know how to classify. “What’s happened?” Amelia says the moment we approach.

“Patrice is here,” I answer.

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