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“Thorne, I…”

“No,” he interrupts. “I just stood there and watched as he took you from the deck of my ship. I was the captain. It was my ship. Instead of fighting him, I allowed him to take you.”

“You didn’tallowhim to do anything. No one allows Kragen to do anything. I don’t blame you. I blame him.”

“You should blame me.” He runs a hand through his hair. “I do.” I don’t know what to say. “What if what Alex says about you is right?”

“That I’m somehow special?” I scrunch my forehead, not sure where he’s going with this.

“Aye.” He makes eye contact with me. “What if that’s the reasonhetook you?”

“You think Kragen took me because I’m a freak?”

“You’re not a freak, and nothing else makes sense.”

I sigh. “Kragen admitted to taking me because your crew killed, or he thought they killed, Eudora.”

“Aye, maybe that was part of it. But I can tell you one thing. If you were killed by a group of humans, I would’ve destroyed every damn one of them, leaving nothing behind.”

“What are you saying?”

He turns, facing me. “Kragen knows more about you than he’s letting on. It’s why he’s obsessed with you. You have something he wants.”



Alex knockson our door exactly three hours later. “I know you’re in there,” he whispers through the lock.

Thorne and I have been wrapped in each other’s arms since his admission. Neither of us is in the mood for anything more.“Come in,”I think loudly.

The door opens, revealing a version of Alex I’ve never seen before. He’s wearing a pair of blue jeans and a button-down plaid shirt. He looks modern and even more adorable than before. “Look at you,” I exclaim. “You look perfect.”

“Do you mean it? Fran insisted that I put it on. She said I needed to lookup-to-date.”

“I agree,” Thorne adds. “You look great, little man.”

Alex smiles. “Fran’s waiting on us.” We follow him down the stairs to find her waiting in the foyer. Instead of the antiquated dress she was wearing earlier, she’ssporting a pair of slim-fitting slacks and a soft knit shirt.

“Y’all ready?” she smiles as she speaks. “I called an Uber already.” She pulls her phone from her pocket. “And…it’s here!”

Ten minutes later, we walk into the now-familiar lycan bar, feeling the energy shift the moment we enter. We don’t stop to ask questions, instead, following Fran straight into Topher’s office. He’s sitting behind his desk with Amelia in his lap, surrounded by the now-familiar faces of the people who have become my friends.

“Who is this modernly dressed young man?” Luna asks with a smile.

“It’s me, silly,” Alex answers, returning her smile.

“Fran!” Amelia is on her feet and hugging the vampire before I register movement. “It’s so good to see you.”

“You, too. You’re looking great.”

Topher stands, turning into the Alpha. “Fran, would you share your theory with everyone?”

She shrugs. “It’s not so much a theory as a hunch.” She pulls a photograph out of her bag. “I feel like this is a strong contender for Patrice’s hiding place.”

“I recognize that building.” Amelia takes the photograph from her. “Isn’t this place off of the docks?”

“It is.”

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