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“Can you tell where she’s heading?”I ask, following orders.

“West,”he answers.“She’s about to move again. I’ll keep in touch.”He goes silent.

“Thorne?”I call through my mind. He doesn’t answer.

“What did he say?” Luna asks from the top of the stairs. Her hair is wet, and she’s changed into sweatpants and a sweatshirt.

“They’re heading west. The only reason he was able to contact me was because she stopped to feed.”

Topher pulls a phone out of somewhere on his body and begins calling numbers.

“My sisters?” Alex asks.

“I don’t know,” I tell him the truth. “Patrice doesn’t seem like a thinker. My guess is she’s flying by the seat of her pants.” I soften my words for the childin front of me.

“There are thousands of places she could be heading,” Fynn adds. “West doesn’t give us much to go on.”

Minutes later, Topher’s back in the room. “I called in a favor. When the body or bodies of her meal are discovered, we’ll be the first to know. That should give us an idea of where she’s heading.”

“She’s going to replace the children we killed.” Alex’s words are barely louder than a whisper. “She’ll use Autumn to find them.”

“What about Everly?” Amelia asks.

“Autumn is older, and she’s…special.”

“Is she like you?” I ask.

He shakes his tiny head. “No. She’s different.”

“How is she special, Alexander?” Topher asks.

He looks up at the giant Alpha. “I’m Alex now.” He turns toward me. “Autumn can move things.”

“Explain what you mean.”

“She can make things move by thinking about it,” he answers, looking around the room.

“Alex?” Amelia draws his attention. “Does Patrice like to collect special children? Children like you and Autumn?”

He nods. “Yes. My sisters and I are special. Everly hasn’t discovered her gift yet, but she’s special, too.”

“What about the ones that were chained?”

“They weren’t special,” he answers simply. Sadness fills his voice.

“Alex, you’ve been with her a while. Where will she go to recruit more children?” Micah asks.

Alex shrugs. “She likes big cities or places where there are a lot of tourists.” Topher turns, answering his ringing phone. “She wants a large family.”

“Do you think she’ll start recruiting soon?” Luna asks, joining the conversation.

“Not until she settles. She likes to have a place to bring them when she…when she turns them.”

“The bodies of two men were just discovered outside a casino in Biloxi. Both had bite marks and were drained of blood.” Topher slides his phone into the torn pocket of his shorts.

“That has to be her,” I announce the obvious.

“When do we leave?” Alex asks, looking around the room.

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