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Luna sucks in a breath, biting her lip to hold in her reaction. Alexander points at the hastily drawn line and then motions the room around her. I don’t understand what he’s trying to tell her, but Luna nods in understanding.

“What does this line mean?”I ask.

“She’s safe if she stays inside.”He holds a finger to his lips, warning Luna to stay quiet before he turns, moving to the stairs. I link my fingers through Luna’s and squeeze before following him. Once the door is closed, Luna’s silent whimpers pound through my mind. She’s terrified. If anything happens to her, I’m responsible.

“If something happens to her, I will make sure everyone in this building is dead,”I warn.“Everyone.”

“I understand.”

“Is our meal marinating?” Patrice asks, standing in the same spot as earlier.

“She is, Mother. Where are my sisters?”

Patrice looks down. “In their rooms, where you should be.”

“The lycan are here,”Thorne says through our connection.“Is Luna okay?”

“Physically, yes. Mentally, I don’t know.”

“Amelia and I are closer than the lycan. We can be inside in less than a second.”He pauses.“I love you, acushla.”

“I love you, too.”

“It’s time to go into your room, Mommy,” Alexander says.

“Yes, it is. Thank you, Alexander. I enjoyed hunting with you today.”

The vampire boy turns, entering a door not far from the basement.

“He is such a sweet boy,” Patrice says, moving into a room next to where she’s standing.

“He is,” I whisper before going to the room I spent several hours in earlier. The smell of sulfur slaps me in the face, reminding me of the never-ending connection between Kragen and the insanity of my life.

Sliding to the floor, my mind won’t stop thinking of my friend, tied up in the basement. Did I just sacrifice her to a horde of immortal children? Is Alexander playing a game, tricking all of us? Holy shit, this is a nightmare.

“Rest, Mommy. I’m not playing a game.”Alexander’s voice echoes through my mind. Now, my thoughts aren’t even my own.



The buildingaround me is silent. Not even the rustling of a mouse can be heard through the stillness. The thoughts of Luna, alone in the basement, are filling my every thought. I haven’t heard from Alexander for a while and have lost track of the time. Silence can be deafening.

One skill I learned while on Kragen’s ship was how to move in total silence. Vampires are intrinsically silent, but while there, I acquired the ability to be even more so. Pulling on the skills I learned, I stand, moving to the hallway door. I’m thankful for silent hinges as I move down the hall and in front of the door leading to the basement.

Moving down the stairs, I’m standing on the floor of the basement before Luna notices my movement. Her legs are curled to her chest, and she’s staring intothe emptiness of the room. I’m in front of her seconds later. Her eyes blink, holding back tears.

Sitting in front of her, I hold my finger in front of my lips, issuing a silent warning. She nods, understanding.

Taking her hands into mine, I lace our fingers together, hoping to offer comfort through our silent connection. The bright pink tips of her blonde hair look faded in the dim light of the lantern. I’ve never seen her look so weak. I move beside her, and she lays her head on my shoulder. It’s not until soft movement resonates through the building that I move. I don’t know what I’m hearing, but I need to return to my room before someone discovers I’m missing.

I squeeze her hand, and Luna raises her head. Silently, I work my way back up the stairs and into the hallway. Entering the room that’s supposed to be my own, I open the door to find Mother.

“Patrice,” I greet the woman with a fake smile.

“Where have you been?” she asks.

“I…I went to check on the lycanthrope,” I admit. Instinct tells me not to lie.

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