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“Where are you, you bastard?” I whisper into the wind.

I turn, ready to follow the smell, when a dark hand lands on my shoulder. “Don’t follow him,” a smooth British accent says from behind. The source of the voice steps in front of me, blocking any movement. “If you’re going to kill him, you’re going to have to be smarter than that,” Erick says.

“What happened?” Thorne asks, running to my side.

I sigh, putting my hands on my hips. “Kragen was here.”

“Are you sure?” Amelia asks, coming to our side. Baby Edon is laughing and clapping his hands at the speed of their arrival.

“Without a doubt,” I answer.

“What makes you think you can kill Kragen?” Erick asks.

“Because of the curse,” Thorne answers for me, shifting from foot to foot.

“This is getting better by the minute.” Erick crosses long arms across each other, staring at the three of us. “Who’s going to tell me the story?”Amelia copies his movements, staring at the two of us.

“Thorne’s granddaughter found information about a curse, or…I don’t know if that’s even the right word. Anyway, it said that Kragen could only be killed by one of his female children.”

“I’m guessing you are his only remaining female creation?” Erick fills in the blank.

“Aye. As far as we know, I’m it.”

“And you want him dead because of what he did to you?” he continues.

“Kragen took her in retaliation for the death of his wife, Eudora,” Thorne continues the story.

Amelia’s eyes grow large. “Eudora, the sea witch?”

“How do you know about her?” I ask, surprised by her knowledge.

“Well, before I was this,” she motions down her body, “I was an aspiring Ph.D. student, writing my thesis on mythological beliefs in Europe.” She looks between the two of us. “I know. You don’t need to say anything.” She clears her throat. “I came across information on Eudora in my research. To be honest, I thought they were just stories.” She laughs. “I thought the same about vampires and lycan at one time, too. I couldn’t have been more wrong,” she mutters.

We all stare at her, waiting for more information.

“Oh, sorry. The stories of Eudora are ancient. Like older than time ancient. She was said to hold the power to curse, bless, or murder someone with the blink of aneye.” Amelia turns toward Thorne. “You said Kragen took Elsbeth in retaliation for her death? That makes no sense.”

“Aye, it does. My men killed Eudora, and Kragen blames me for her death.”

Amelia huffs a laugh. “If my research is correct, no mortal man would be able to kill Eudora.”

“I saw it with my own eyes,” Thorne argues. “She was in the form of a dolphin and appeared sickly. My men captured her in their nets, and I gave the order to end her life.”

“I’m sorry, Thorne. There’s no way Eudora, the ancient sea witch, would’ve been caught in a net, let alone appeared as a sick dolphin.”

“What are you saying?” I ask our tour guide.

“I’m saying that Kragen is either lying or Eudora tricked him into believing your men killed her.”

“Why would she do something like that?” I ask.

Erick shrugs. “Maybe she was bored of him.”

“Where does that leave us?” Thorne asks.

“It leaves you with the upper hand,” Erick answers. “If Eudora is alive, you can use her to defeat him.”

“If Eudora is alive, we’re never going to find her,” Amelia adds. “She’s a sea witch, in case anyone forgot.”

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