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“Did I just witness witchcraft in the flesh?” Luna asks, crossing her arms across her chest.

“No witchcraft.” Connor laughs. “It’s amazing what a little money and donations will do for an organization.”

“Not to state the obvious, but how the hell are we going to get to land? Our ride just left.” Francis doesn’t look the least bit winded after helping guide the ship into port.

Connor pulls his phone out and is talking with someone within seconds. “My son is coming to get us.”

Francis stares at Micah. “Your son is on the ship with us.”

“My younger brother, Sam,” Micah answers with a smile.

“While we’re waiting, we should comb the ship for any clues to where Kragen and Samirah might have gone,” Elias announces.

“Aye, but be careful. There could still be someone on board. Kragen’s not the sort of man who would leavehis ship without protection.” Thorne resumes the role of captain quickly. He turns, slipping a hand behind my back. “I’ll come with you.”

“No, you won’t.”

“Elsie, you can’t be angry at me. That was years ago, and it meant nothing more than sex.”

“You’re not helping your situation,” I retort before storming off, leaving him alone on deck. I slide down the stairs, to the bottom of the ship and the hole where I lived for nearly one hundred years. In all honesty, I don’t have a right to be angry, but I am. For all he knew, I was dead. But the thought of him wrapped in Samirah’s arms, especially knowing that she was Kragen’s lover too, pisses me off.

I clear my mind and continue moving through the seemingly empty ship. Remnants of the five humans I freed are still lying around. A few pieces of clothing, tattered blankets, and empty syringes litter the floor. The smell of death and drugs still fills the air.

I move further through the ship to the crew’s quarters. Quarters isn’t the correct word. It’s more like a large room with hammocks stacked on top of each other. I laugh at the irony of vampires having hammocks to sleep in. Maybe Kragen added them for show. Certainly, no one ever used them for their intended purpose.

A loud crash sounds from the room opposite of me. I freeze, not sure what to expect. “Sorry,” Luna’s voice echoes.

“Be careful,” Micah’s deep voice answers. “If there is anything on this ship, they’re going to find us.”

“There’s no one over here,” I say, moving next to the two of them.

“Yeah, nothing on this one either. Did you find any clues where Kragen and Samirah may have gone?” Luna asks.

“Nothing. He’s not stupid enough to go back to the Outer Banks. He could be anywhere in the world right now.”

“I found something,” Thorne’s deep voice calls from upstairs.

“That sounds like it’s coming from the captain’s quarters.” I run up the stairs with the two lycan on my tail.

We enter, finding everyone else already there. They form a circle around Thorne, who looks like he’s holding a bomb.

“Is that…is that a bomb?” Luna asks.

“Aye, I think it is,” Thorne answers.

“That son of a bitch.” Micah moves in front of Thorne. “I spent a little time in the military. I think I can diffuse it. Hold it still.”

Micah looks at every angle of the small blue box, as Thorne holds it close to his body. A series of wires are attached in various spots, giving it a very “made in the basement” type of look.

Several minutes pass before Micah speaks. “I don’t think this is real. There’s no detonator and no timer.”

“What are you saying?” Thorne asks.

“I’m saying that I think this is a dummy bomb.”

“What if you’re wrong?” I ask.

“Then it’s over for the lycan.” Micah wraps his fingers around two of the wires attached to the box. “1, 2…”

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