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He looks up, completely confused by the word foreign to his vocabulary.

“Elsie, you’re not going to survive this,” Bert says from behind Kragen. “None of you will. Is it worth it?”

“I would rather die than be Kragen’s slave any longer.”

“Is it worth it to lose the captain?” he nods toward Thorne, who just killed two of Kragen’s men.

“Thorne makes his own decisions,” I retort.

In the time the three of us have been talking, the lycan and vampires with Thorne have destroyed all of the French vampires’ men, along with Kragen’s. All that’s left are he and Bert.

“Your men are dead, Kragen. You’re outnumbered and out manpowered. You’re not going to survive this.”

Kragen laughs. “I have been outnumbered before, my dear.” He turns toward Bert, grabs my brother’s arm, and jumps both of them to the deck of the ship. Seconds later, two explosions rock the shore, throwing the lycan and vampire to the ground.

Thorne is at my side instantly. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” I stand, brushing the sand mixture from my face. “He’s got Bert.” We stand in awe as the sails rise on the pirate ship, filling with wind, and taking the ship toward the Atlantic.

“This just got more interesting,” Micah says from beside me. He’s in human form and doesn’t seem fazed by the fact that he’s naked.

“Aye, it did,” Thorne adds.

The next few hours are spent cleaning up any remnants of the fight and dealing with the human victims. When all is said and done, surprisingly only one lycan was injured. I don’t know how or why everyone survived, but I’m not questioning it.

“That has to be the slowest escape in the history of escapes,” Luna says, coming to my side. “We could stop them in minutes.” The two of us stare at thedisappearing sails of the ancient ship as it disappears into the ocean beyond. “It’s not like he can outrun us or sneak away.”

“No, but I don’t doubt that anyone who tries to board that ship will die.”

“Yeah, I figured.” She reaches an arm around me, pulling me close. “You were amazing out there. You’re pretty badass.”

I smile, not used to receiving compliments. “Thank you. You’re pretty badass yourself.” I nod toward the now empty storage unit. “How are the kids?”

She shrugs. “Traumatized, but alive. I can’t imagine what they’ve been through. They’ll have a rough road ahead of them, but they’re going to be okay. Brittney’s on her way with several local police officials to help.”

On cue, a white minivan pulls to a stop. “Oh, my God,” Brittney exclaims, climbing out of her car. She runs to me, wrapping her thin arms behind my back. “I’m so glad you’re alive.”

“Brittney told me where you were,” Thorne interrupts, coming to my side. “If it weren’t for her, we wouldn’t have gotten here in time.”

I hug her a second time. “Thank you, Brittney.”

“You’re welcome, sugar. Now, where are those babies I need to look at?” Two ambulances and several police cars arrive, parking behind the minivan. “The calvary’s here,” she says, moving toward the huddled and terrifiedchildren.

“The lycan have fulfilled their end of our bargain,” Connor says, moving beside our small group.

Thorne shakes the large man’s hand. “Thank you, my friend. We couldn’t have done it without you.”

“I’d like to see this through,” Micah says to his father. “This isn’t over.” He nods toward the ship that’s nearly out of sight.

The Alpha nods, giving his son permission to stay. “Be careful.”

“I’m staying, too,” Luna adds. “That son of a bitch doesn’t deserve to live.”


why me?

“He escaped in a pirate ship?”Francis asks, for the fourth time. “A real pirate ship?

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