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“Did you hear the same whining performance that I did? Yet you’re still trying to protect him?” Kragen laughs. “Protect the brother who sold you out?”

“Aye,” I answer.

“Very well.” Kragen steps away from the two of us. “It’s time for the ceremony.”

He leads me to the makeshift altar, which in actuality is nothing more than branches from a live oak tree twisted together. He pulls away, leaving mealone, before motioning to the shorter French vampire.

The man steps in front of me and smiles deeply. “You look beautiful, wife.”

Wife? What the hell? “What is he talking about?”

The French vampire slaps me across the face, the force pushing me into one of the trees behind me. “Don’t speak to him,” he warns. “You are mine, now.”

Kragen smiles, showing the monstrous teeth I remember from years ago. “Did you thinkwewere getting married?” He laughs deeply.

“No, my dear. You have been bought and very well paid for, I might say. What happens to you next is not my concern…nor has it ever been.”

“You son of a bitch!” I turn toward my soon-to-be husband. “I will not marry you,” I spew.

His face transforms into something from nightmares. “Perform the ceremony.”

I turn, ripping the skirt from the dress, and hear an audible gasp from Gordon not far behind me. I continue ripping until reaching the pantaloons that all women wore underneath heavy dresses during that time period.

I turn away from the ensuing chaos with the intention of freeing as many humans as possible. Fuck the wedding, fuck Kragen, and fuck my future husband. I move vampire speed when an energy I’d recognize anywhere hits me square in the chest. I stop, turningtoward the source, and hear a voice that brings tears to my eyes.

“I’m here, and I’m not alone,”Thorne’s voice whispers through my mind from somewhere out of sight. I don’t know how he communicated through my mind, but I’m not questioning it.

Turning back toward the wedding party, I’m surprised to see no one has moved. In fact, my groom looks quite bored with the situation. “Are you finished?” Kragen asks.

“No.” I laugh. “I’m just getting started.” Seconds later, I’m standing in front of the treasure box full of terrified humans. Breaking open the lock, I open the doors wide. In front of me is an image that will haunt me for the rest of my life.

Human children are huddled in the back of the unit. They’re filthy and wearing nothing but rags. As soon as the door opens, they cower further against the walls. “It’s okay, you’re safe,” I lie.

“It looks like your bride is starting the games early,” Kragen announces.

“I’m out of the mood to marry that bitch now,” my French friend adds. “I’ll expect a full refund.” The visitor raises his nose high in the air. “Does anyone else smell dog?”

Kragen and the crew of vampires behind him copy his movements, lifting their noses to the sky, smelling the same scent. I smile, knowingly.

“What have you done, my dear?” Kragen asks, awide smile covering his face. “This just got more interesting.”

“I’ve done nothing,my dear,but I’m excited to see the outcome.”

I feel their energy before I see them. They’re all around me. Not only do I feel Thorne, but an overwhelming amount of lycan energy fills the woods nearby. I wedge the door tight, hoping to keep the children safe for a while longer.

Thorne moves to my side seconds later, lacing his fingers through mine. “Hello, beautiful.”

“God, I’m glad to see you.”

“Sorry it took so long. We got lost a few times.”

I turn, facing the man I love. He’s wearing the same clothes as the day I left, and his hair is a disheveled mess. “Your timing is impeccable.”

He smiles, looking me up and down. “It seems you’ve been busy.”

“Captain Hawthorne Rex, I believe,” Kragen greets Thorne. “I don’t remember extending an invitation to the games, but who am I to argue?” He lifts his hands to the side. “The more, the merrier.”

“Glad to hear it, Kragen. I brought a few of my friends.”

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