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“Thank you, Captain.”

“Please, call me Thorne.”

I bow slightly. “Thank you, Thorne.”

“Aye, it’s my pleasure. Please feel free to get food for them anytime you need it.” I stare, not sure if this is some sort of trick or genuine kindness. “If you should need anything, Miss Abernathy, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

“Elsbeth,” I remind him. “My name is Elsbeth.”

“Elsbeth,” he repeats. My name flows from his lips.

“Thank you, Thorne.” I turn, moving toward the door without looking back.

Back in the stateroom, I hand the loaf of bread to Charles, along with the water Thorne sent. “Help me get some of this food into Bertram. It will make him feel better.”

Charles spends several minutes breaking the bread into small pieces, while I peel the skin off an orange. Manually opening Bertram’s mouth, I squeeze the juice inside. Seconds later, he begins to lick his lips. “He’s coming around,” Charles announces.

“What’s going on?” Bertram mumbles, looking around confused.

“You needed food,” I answer. “Can you sit up?”

“I…I think so.” He slides his back to the wall, holding onto my shoulder. “My head hurts.”

“Eat this,” Charles says, handing him a few pieces of bread. “See if it helps.”

Bertram follows directions, closing his eyes afterward. “I’m thirsty.”

“Here.” Charles guides our brother’s hand to the cup of water, helping him lift it to his lips. A few small sips later, his eyes close, and his breathing has returned to normal.

“How do you feel?” I ask.

“Better. Thank you.”

“What’s going on?” Mama’s sleepy voice whispers.

Bertram shakes his head without speaking. I know without asking, he doesn’t want Mama to worry. “We couldn’t sleep,” I answer. “We’re just talking about our life in Charles Town.”

Mama stares at us for a few minutes before seemingly accepting my answer. “Get some rest, Mama,” Charles adds. “Everything is fine.”

I don’t enjoy lying to our mother, but I understand Bertram’s reasoning. With Daddy’s death leaving barely enough money to survive, she’s been forced to move our family halfway around the world. She’s under enough pressure without adding the worry of Bertram to it.

“Where’d you get food?” Bert asks. His voice sounds more like himself as he eats a few more pieces of bread.

“I found it,” I lie. Technically, I did find it. Untechnically, it was given to me after I found it. “There’s enough for you to eat.” I hand a piece to Charles.

“Are you sure? The little ones need to eat first.”

“There’s plenty. Besides, I know where to find more if we need it.” My mind flashes back to Captain Rex…Thorne as he asked me to call him.

Charles takes a few bites, closing his eyes after. “God, this tastes amazing.”

Bertram and Charles fall back to sleep quickly, while I sit with my back to the door, listening to the chorus of sounds created by the wooden ship. The vessel creaks and moans its way through the water, bringing comfort with its movement. With all the questions flying through my mind and the stifling heat of our stateroom, there’s no way I’ll be able to go back to sleep. I need fresh air and time to think.

I crack the door enough to crawl into the narrow hallway. The fresh air hits me the moment I’m outside. For the first time in a few days, I take time to breathe.

Other than a few sleeping sailors, the deck is clear of people and distractions. A gust of wind lifts the few strands of hair that escaped my hastily made bun. Moving to the head of the ship, I stand, overlooking the water below. Even with the sails down and no one at the helm, the ship continues to move slowly through the water. What if we sail off course?

I move as high as possible, giving me a full view of the dark water surrounding the ship. The full moon provides enough light to illuminate the small waves.

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