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“Did she have a job here?” Luna asks, suddenly interested in my story.

“Aye,” I answer. “Mama used the last of our money to purchase tickets to bring us to America.” I huff a laugh at the memory. “We were so poor, we shared two pairs of shoes between all of the children.” Thorne looks down as I speak. Clearly, he’s remembering the poor, sick girl from long ago.

“Captain Rex was the captain of your ship?” Francis puts the pieces together.

“Aye, I was. It was there that we met. I caught herwashing her shite-covered hands in my drinking water.”

Luna and Francis share a laugh at the memory. “In my defense, I didn’t realize the water belonged to the captain.”

“That doesn’t help this story,” he adds.

“How did you become a vampire?” Luna asks.

I sigh before speaking. “I had a seizure, one that incapacitated me. Thorne took care of me. He allowed me to stay in the captain’s quarters, made sure my family was able to eat, and it was then that I fell in love with him.” I feel red cover my cheeks at my admission. “It was during that time thathefound us.”

“Who found you?” Francis asks.

“Kragen,” Thorne answers. “My first officer was…”

“An asshole?” Luna fills in the blank.

“Aye, an asshole. In order to repay a debt to Kragen, he sold information about Elsie to one of Kragen’s men. He told them there was a sick young lady aboard our ship, selling her in payment for his debt.”

“They caught up with us not long into our journey,” I continue. “Kragen boarded the ship and threatened to kill every soul on board if I didn’t go with him.” I wipe a stray tear. “He killed my brother to prove his point.”

“You went with him to save your family?” Luna says. Her voice is no louder than a whisper.

“I had no choice.”

“I’m so sorry, Elsie,” Francis says. She turns toward Thorne. “I’m sorry for both of you.”

“How did you get away?” Luna asks.

“Without going into detail, I waited for the perfect time and escaped. I’ve been on the run ever since.”

“You mean he’s still after you?” Francis asks.

“Aye. He’s never stopped looking for the one who got away.” Anger radiates from Thorne. I turn toward the ship captain. “There was nothing you could do, Thorne. You need to accept that.” He stands, moving across the room.

“She’s right,” Francis adds. “You had to get them to safety. Without you, they all would’ve died.” She moves behind him, laying her head on his forearm. “Without you, I wouldn’t be here.”

“God, this story is much more interesting and gut-wrenching than I could’ve ever imagined. No wonder you acted like a fool in New Orleans. I can’t say that I blame you. I don’t think you need a babysitter, I think you need an army,” Luna announces, standing from the couch.

“An army?” I ask.

“How else are we going to fight Kragen?”

“Luna, you don’t know this guy. He’s one of the strongest vampires in existence. He’s not going to just give up and go home. He’s been pursuing me for two hundred years. He’s not like me. Hell, he’s not like Thorne or, for that matter any of the vampires you know. He’s ruthless, deadly, and a cold-blooded killer and will stop at nothing to get what he wants. I’vealready been here too long. I’ve put you all in danger by staying as long as I have.”

“You’re not leaving, are you?” Francis asks.

“I don’t have a choice. I won’t put you in more danger.”

Luna crosses her arms across her chest. “You don’t need to go anywhere. There is an entire army of lycan that will stand at your side. I’m sure I can wrestle up a few vampires if needed. Some of them are decent.”

“No. I won’t endanger anyone else’s life. Thank you for the offer, but I must go.”

“I’m coming with you,” Thorne announces. “I refuse to lose you again.”

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