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My eyes open to the familiar surroundings of the honeymoon suite. How did I get here? I jump from bed, not sure what’s going on. Did I imagine that? Did I dream that? That’s ridiculous, vampires can’t sleep, let alone dream. I run downstairs, nearly slamming into Ms. Francis as she exits the sitting room.

“Oh, my. Elsie, are you all right?”

“Did you see anyone?”

“Other than you and our departed guests, no.” Shewrinkles her forehead. “Are you sure you’re all right, dear?”

I close my eyes. What the hell is wrong with me? Being here, in his home is making me insane. “I’m okay. I’m afraid I’m going to have to check out today. I’ll pay you two weeks’ rent for the room. I can’t be here any longer.”

Sadness forms in her eyes, and I immediately feel guilty. “If, you’re sure. At least let me make you something to eat first. Our new guest should be arriving soon.”

“No, that’s not necessary.” I wrap my arm through hers and pull her close. “Thank you for everything, Ms. Francis. I’m going to pack my things.”

Back in the room, it doesn’t take long to pack the few items I brought with me. Running my fingers over each piece of furniture and fabric, memorizing every fiber, smell, and texture, I realize it’s time to let go of my obsession. Thorne died never knowing what happened to you. It’s apparent from the journal he never got over that. Neither of us did.

Now, I’m imagining him in front of me. I focus on blocking any energy and masking my own as I exit the honeymoon suite and make my way downstairs. Ms. Francis is talking to someone, which means her new guest has arrived. Against my better judgment, I wait in the foyer to tell her goodbye. The old Elsie would have left without another word, but this is different.Sheis different.

“Right this way,” she says, leading someone from the desk she uses for check-in. The man that follows behind is the same man from the banks of the river. The man I’ve been searching for…Thorne.

“Oh, Elsie, you’re still here. This is our new guest, Thorne Smith.” She motions to the man behind her. “Such a strong name, and one I’ve never heard before.”

“Hello, Elsie,” he greets me.

I stare at the man who’s haunted my thoughts for centuries. “Hello, Thorne.” My voice is no louder than a whisper. “Is it really you?”

“Aye, it is, acushla.” Hearing his familiar name for me covers my skin with chill bumps.

Ms. Francis looks between the two of us. “You two know each other? How unusual is that?”

“Elsie is someone I’ve been searching for…for a very long time.”

“Looks like you found her,” she adds. “Oh, wait. I’ve seen some of those movies on cable. You’re not a stalker or anything, are you?”

“Nothing like that,” he answers. He turns his attention back toward me. “You’re even more beautiful than I remember.”

I’ve dreamed of this moment. I’ve imagined it thousands of times. It helped me to survive…gave me the strength to escape and brought me here. Suddenly, face-to-face with the only man I’ve ever loved, words fail me. The conversations that played through my head are gone, leaving me in shock and confusion.

“How?” I whisper. “How is this possible?”

“I can see you two have some catching up to do,” Ms. Francis interrupts. “Why don’t I carry your bag to your room, and you two do some catching up? The piazza is beautiful this time of day and shouldn’t be too hot yet.”

She takes the bags from both of our hands as we continue to stare at each other. Grey eyes search every inch of my face as the two of us refuse to release each other from our gazes.

“Okay, then,” she continues. “The piazza is just through those windows.” She nudges me toward two large windows that open onto the long porch.


three hundred years

Somehow,we end up on the piazza without any recollection of moving from the foyer. I can’t take my eyes off the man in front of me. Together, we sit on a large settee, overlooking the colorful backyard.

“How are you here?” I finally gain the courage to repeat.

Thorne looks down before speaking. “Unmask your energy, and feel mine. Then you’ll know.”

I do as he suggests, reaching for the energy of the man in front of me. I’m instantly met with the same energy I felt earlier. “Oh, my God. You’re a vampire. That was you I saw earlier. I didn’t imagine it.”


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