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ey Ethan!”

Ethan paused in the parking lot, where he was unloading the shopping cart into the truck, and turned to see someone waving at him. Looking closer, he waved back. “Hey Tommy, how’re you doing? Happy Thanksgiving!”

The two men crossed the parking lot, shaking hands when they met. Tommy looked a little leaner than the last time Ethan had seen him, and Ethan wondered if being an empty nester had changed his lifestyle any. “Doing really well, man. My daughter’s coming back for the holidays, and I was wondering if I could reserve a tree. How are they looking this year?”

“Amazing, better than any year yet,” Ethan said honestly. “Laura brought some new ideas with her when she moved back from the city that has the trees looking amazing. You ever heard of a soaker hose?”

“Sure, I’ve got a brother in California who uses them for his flower garden,” Tommy said. “You’re using that?”

“No, but something similar,” Ethan said. “We made what’s called drip irrigation, which only lets the water out where we want it. Saved us a ton of water, and the trees… you’re gonna be a happy man this year, Tommy. Evenifyou wait to the last minute like you normally do.”

Tommy laughed, and clapped Ethan on the shoulder. “Not this year, we’re going to be out as soon as Gwen’s back from college. She already insisted when she got back for Thanksgiving. I’m lucky, you know. She’s staying semi-local, which means I can actually see my baby girl more often than some parents.”

“Enjoy it, she might be bringing a boy home sometime soon,” Ethan teased, and Tommy clutched at his chest, groaning. “And he’ll havetattoos.”

Tommy groaned again, then laughed. “If he makes her happy, that’s what counts. Speaking of making someone special happy, how’s Laura doing?”

“Her legal work’s doing just fine, it’s quiet but that’s all she wants right now,” Ethan says. “Small advisory work is all that the Rockaways needs right now. Although…”

“What is it?”

“If anyone does need some help with a ticket or worse, have them give her a call,” Ethan said. “I know you don’t need it, but if you hear of anyone…”

“Don’t worry, I will,” Tommy said. “She’s a Rockaway girl, she understands us.”

“Exactly,” Ethan said. “Well, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to head back to the house, we’re already starting our Thanksgiving preparations.”

“Just the two of you?” Tommy asked, and Ethan smiled a little. Tommy sighed melodramatically. “You know, there’s always room at the table for two more.”

“As much as I appreciate it, I’ve got… plans for this weekend,” Ethan said, patting his jacket pocket. Tommy lifted an eyebrow, and Ethan nodded. “Hope I’m not an idiot.”

“The only stupid move you’ve made is waiting this long,” Tommy said. “What took you so long?”

“Waiting to do this right,” Ethan said simply. “You know how much diamonds are nowadays?”

Tommy snorted. “You could have asked her with nothin’ but a Ring-Pop and gotten the same answer. But I understand. Congrats, and I’ll see you later!”

Tommy went back to his truck, and Ethan went back to his, pausing before starting the truck up. Tommy was right of course, Laura had told him as much back at Labor Day. But he’d delayed, wanting to get her the right ring. She wasn’t hurt, she knew what he was doing on his weekends off when he’d drive into Pueblo for a couple of hours only to come back frustrated. She didn’t even have to ask.

The hard part was that he wanted to do it with his money. Not the money he earned from the tree farm, as Laura insisted on paying him just like before. After all, he was maintaining his trailer, they weren’t going to live together until it was “forever.” No, he did it with his side jobs, such as working at the gym. It took him months, but he’d finally done it.

Sure, it was an ego stroke for him. But it was the last one, he swore it.

From now on, it was all about Laura.



She heard the truck coming before she saw it pull around the house and park in the back next to hers, and the slamming of the door made her smile. She loved Ethan, but the man could not learn how to close his truck door quietly to save his life.

“Babe?” he called when he got to the back door, and Laura had to laugh. “Little help?”

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