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“Before you give me that Morgan Freeman quip and shrug, here’s why I called you,” Irene said. “Steele knows that this is a total war, and it’s going to get ugly. Blood’s going to flow, and I’ve been told to put together a team that makes sure that none of that blood is the firm’s.”

“You know that part of that is putting you in charge,” Laura pointed out. “The muck’s going to fly, and if the firm gets hurt, it won’t be the named partners. It’ll be the young partner who’s going to find herself on the way out sooner than later.”

“Oh I know, but the benefits if we protect the firm… or better yetwin,” Irene said, “will be incredible. I got one concession from Steele. I get to pick my team. And I want you on it.”

“Youwhat?”Laura asked, shocked. “Why?”

“Because of what you just did in this video chat, Laura,” Irene said. “You read the situation quickly. It took me three times as long to put it all together when Steele told me, and that was with him laying it all out. You’ve always had that ability to put puzzle pieces together, and I need that. I’m a researcher, a prepper, and I know it. I’ll go into the courtroom with enough three-ring binders to build a bulletproof fortress, sure. I can bulldog most opposing council into submission simply because I’ve out-prepped them. But when I’ve lost, it’s because there’s something, some puzzle piece, that I didn’t get right away. You do. I want that on my team. And there’s an incentive.”

“Which is?”

“You take it, and you’ll make partner as soon as this case is over,” Irene said. “Steele already promised me that. And don’t even worry about the buy-in, you’ll be getting a salary bonus from the billables on the case that’ll more than cover it. You’ll just have to pay the taxes on that income.”

“I see,” Laura said, and Irene tilted her head. “Sorry Irene, it’s just… wow. I mean, this is a great opportunity, but just… wow.”

“I know, which is why I’m calling you now,” Irene said. “Steele’s given me until the Monday after Christmas to put my team together, until then it’s all just grind. Can you give me an answer by tomorrow?”

Laura nodded, and took a deep breath. “Sure. Irene, about this case… is this the sort of stuff you got into law to do?”

“Everyone deserves a lawyer,” Irene said evenly. “Remember that, Laura. I’ll talk with you tomorrow morning. What have you got on your agenda for the rest of the day?”

“Neighborhood Christmas festival,” Laura said, and Irene grimaced. “What?”

“Just doesn’t seem like a lot of fun to me, that’s all,” Irene said. “What is it, singing Christmas carols in a field?”

“Parking lot actually,” Laura said. Irene laughed harshly. “Yeah, I know, but it’s not as bad as you think.”

“Okay then. Talk to you tomorrow.” Irene hung up. Laura sat back, and looked down at her hand, and saw her hand shaking. She hadn’t had shakes like that in years, not since one of her law professors made fun of the “hayseeds” who didn’t know the law.

Now Irene was doing the same thing, while at the same time offering her the keys to the kingdom. A partnership for what was essentially nothing.

All she had to do was say yes.

But every time she considered reaching for her phone to text Irene saying she was in, her hands shook. She didn’t have to decide now.

Anyway, she didn’t need to give her answer right away. Now was the time to get ready and go to the Christmas festival.

A couple of food carts, a trailer with speakers mounted on it… the only thing that made it look at all Christmassy was the big tree in the middle of the area, fully decorated with lights, ornaments, tinsel, popcorn strands and more.

Laura parked the truck and walked through the small crowd, waving to the people who recognized her, but mostly staying lost in her thoughts until she got to the tree, and saw the sign that had been hung on the tree like an oversized ornament.

This year’s tree is in memorial of our dear friend and neighbor David Bennett.

Without his generosity, kindness, and love, the Christmas Festival would never have happened.

We owe you a debt we can never repay, and will miss our friend forever.

You were the best thing someone can be… a decent human being.

The people of the Rockaways

Laura read, and re-read the plaque. How had she gotten things so wrong?




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