Page 64 of Another Story

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And they could never leave.

I step toward him, unable to fight our magnetism as he mulls over my confession.

“And you would trade this for your precious books?” He reaches out and takes my hand, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles. “You’d take pages upon pages of stories that areinspiredby what we’re creating here?”

“We knew what we were getting into,” I start. “Don’t do this.”

“God, it’s so fucked up, but I want to be the first man to break your heart,” he murmurs, still staring at me.

I wonder justhowfucked up a man has to be to admit something so heinous.

When I try to pull my hand from his grip, he jerks me back by my wrist, imprisoning me with his eyes and his smile.

“I want to be so loved by you that every empty space pokes at your heart a little. Can I be that, Eloise?” His wild eyes search mine for an answer. “Can I be the man that causes an ache beneath your breast when I walk away, even when you know I’ll return?”

I don’t say anything, rubbing my wrist when he finally lets go.

He stands and paces the room for a moment before stopping to stare at me. “Truth or dare?” he asks.

“Dare,” I murmur, too uneasy to give him any more honesty.

“Take your clothes off,” he commands, yanking his tie away from his neck, making quick work of untying it and tossing it on the floor.

I’m enveloped in this whirlwind of emotions; I’m suffering from whiplash as he removes his shirt from his body and tosses it on the floor as well.

“What do you want from me, Ezra?” I ask, trying to gauge how ready he is, even as my body warms at the sight of his.

“Don’t make me say it again,” he says, his tone hard as he comes toward me again, pulling me closer and staring into my eyes. “If this is the only way I can have you, so be it.”

I let him pull my dress from my body, quaking as the buttons scatter to the floor just as he kisses me.

It doesn’t feel right, calling it something as simple as a kiss.

This is acquiescence of the highest caliber.

This is a king kneeling for a queen.

A soldier laying down his arms in return for a few more weeks of peace.

I gasp as he yanks away my bra, the snapping sound the strap makes confirming it’s broken. It slides along the floor after he throws it, uncaring.

At the sound of banging on the front door, I pull away and place my arms over my bare chest.

He stares at me, his glittering eyes hard. “Wait here.”

The moment he leaves the room, I reach for the shirt he wore, pulling it on and lifting the collar to inhale his scent. I’ve missed it.

I’ve missed him.

When I hear the door open, I tiptoe toward the couch, hoping to stay out of view.

“Well, well. Look what the fuck we have here,” I hear a man say, his voice booming through the quiet house.

And I wonder if Ezra’s in some kind of trouble.

“Ivan,” I hear him say in lieu of greeting. Footsteps fall but they don’t make it where I am.

“Where’s the lucky lady? Hiding upstairs?” the voice asks.

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