Page 73 of Another Life

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Those days are hard, but I try to take it in stride and let her personality blossom without too much policing. If I don’t want to her to be easily silenced in life, I refuse to silence her in her own home.

All while Abraham drives, he’s silent, looking over at me every now and then as we make our way out of the city and into the suburbs.

He slows down as we approach Peter’s new place, a pretty blue house with white shutters complete with a picket fence, and when he parks the car outside, he licks his lips and stares out of the window at the dimly lit porch.

“Why does it look like no one is home?”

Under the pressure of his nerves, his accent becomes more pronounced, and I grin at the sound of it.

“They’re home. Come on, Professor.” I push my door open, and he grabs my hand, yanking me back toward him.

I’m surprised by his kiss, by the way his tongue strokes mine. I sigh into it, melting as he loves my mouth. And whenhe pulls away, he says, “You don’t touch a fucking door when I’m around.”

A shot of desire pulses through me as I watch him get out of the car and come around to open the door.

He holds out his hand, helping me out of the car and continues to hold it as we walk up to the porch. The automatic lights turn on as we approach and I can hear the girls’ voices as they talk loudly, likely to their father.

Abraham knocks with his free hand, still holding mine in his other.

I grin when it opens and I see Jilly poking her little blonde head out. Those baby doll eyes peer up at us and she catches sight of our joined hands. But she doesn’t say anything as she opens the door wider.

“Are you supposed to be answering the door, missy?” I ask, bending a little to look at her. I can’t help the grin on my face. I miss them when they’re gone.

“I knew it was you.” She giggles, jerking away from me as if she thinks I’m going to tickle her. Then she stares at Abraham and smiles. I aim for cool, attempting to not make it a big deal as he no doubt melts under her gaze. “Hi.”

“Hello,” he greets and I sneak a glance, noting the sparkle in his eyes. “You must be Jilly.”

She nods, her smile widening at the sound of her name coming from this strange man’s mouth.

“Are you here for our date?” she asks, just as Penny walks out, holding Peter’s hand. He did an amazing job, getting them ready. They look adorable in their little red dresses and their hair is neatly brushed, with Jilly’s in two braids in front. Penny opted to wear her hair down her back and she has her eyes on her dad as they walk.

“She’s nervous,” Peter mouths when I look up at him. Penny wears a small pout and when she sees me, she lets go of Peter’s hand and runs to me.

“Hi, baby,” I exclaim, bending to hold her close. “I missed you guys.”

“She’s not a baby,” Jillian whines as Penny holds onto me, not caring what her sister said. I close my eyes as I soak her love in, knowing it doesn’t always show itself in this way.

“You’re both my babies,” I answer, my words caught in Penelope’s hair. “Forever and ever.”

It takes a moment for me to get her to stand on her own and when she does, she peers up at Abraham. I pray to whatever is listening that she doesn’t say something awful to him. While that isn’t her norm, it’s likely strange to her that another man is now standing with her mother. She doesn’t know who he is, doesn’t know that he’s her biological father. Has no idea that he’s waited a long time for this moment.

We decided it’s best to have them get to know each other and take it from there. That way there’s no confusion on Peter’s identity in their lives.

“What’s your name?” Penny asks him, her face blank as she stares up at him. Her little Mary Janes point toward his designer dress shoes and I try to keep my emotions at bay. No need to cry in front of the girls and further confuse things.

“Abraham,” he answers, his voice hoarse and he swallows before speaking again. “My name is Abraham and I heard you are Penelope.”

“Mommy, why does he talk like that?” Jilly whispers and Penny looks at her, her brows raised.

“He’s an alien,” Penny announces and laughter bubbles out of my throat.

“An alien?” I ask, my brows drawn as I try not to laugh again. “Where did you hear that?”

“On the news,” she answers, shrugging as she peers back at Abraham. “A legal alien.”


“No more news,” I say, glancing up at Peter as he nods hishead while chuckling. Such a dad laugh, only missing his hand on his nonexistent belly. “And no, Abraham isnotan alien.”

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