Page 11 of Where We Fall

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But Noa was scaring me.

I went to her, squatting in front of her, asking her what she was talking about. I ran my fingers along the edge of the box, touching it, knowing nothing in there could damage what we shared. If I could touch it, it couldn’t kill us.

“I’ve hidden something from you, and it will destroy us,” she sobbed out.

And I knew. That feeling that she’d been hiding something…I should’ve listened to it.

I gave her so much credit, reasonably thinking that she was honest. That she would share on her own, when she was ready.

“Is…is it someone else? I don’t care. I can forgive you,” I said in a panic, my hands fumbling for the ring in my pocket, ready to show her how little I cared about anyone else.

That I was hers and that meant she was mine.

Didn’t it?

That was what I was reduced to. Forgiving, forgetting, putting myself out there like some chump. But I couldn’t bother regretting it. I never would.

She got up before I could show her, her back to me. When she told me to open the white box, I pulled my empty hands from my pockets and lifted the lid.

At first, I didn’t understand the things I was seeing.

Until I saw her name: Anna Cruz-Andrews.

The day I was meant to offer my world to Noa, she set flames to it.


My phone vibratedagainst my nightstand, snapping me from my daydream. I glanced at the screen—an unsaved number with a Seattle area code.

“Hello?” I stood, stretching.

“Dexter? It’s me.”

I braced myself on my nightstand at the sound of her voice. It sounded strained and I hated it. “Is everything all right? I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry, Blue. I don’t—”

“There’s no time. The baby is coming,” she cried out.

My mind blanked. “Is it…are you—wait, is this for real?”

There was shuffling on the other end. “Dex, we’re at Northwest in Seattle. Get your ass here now,” Miranda said, before hanging up the phone.

I dropped the phone and scrambled around the room, putting on whatever I could find that resembled an outfit. As I got myself together, shoving a toothbrush smothered in toothpaste in my mouth, I wondered when Noa had gotten to Seattle. I was annoyed that I’d been kept in the dark on the entire matter.

Did Tracey know? Is that why she was here?

I spit the minty froth and regarded myself in the mirror as I splashed water on my face.

When it came to that baby, I had to put him or her first. I had to let Noa know that I was sticking around, whether or not we were together.

But, I wanted us together. That was my endgame in all of this. I grabbed my keys and headed out of my house. I had a good thirty minutes of driving to get through before I was even in Seattle if traffic wasn’t bad, which was never the case.

I sent Rachel a text, telling her I’d be tied up today, before starting the car.

I had to be there for Noa this time. I’d already missed too much.

As I drove, I thought about everything. About how I felt, knowing I was about to experience something I couldn’t even comprehend.

I loved Phoebe. But I hadn’t witnessed Phoebe’s birth. I could only imagine how hard it must’ve been.

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