Page 94 of When We Crash

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At the sound of a little voice, I opened my eyes, happy I had clothes on. I sat up, clutching the sheets and looking over at a dead-to-the-world Dexter.

“Hi, sweetie,” I said. I got out of bed gently and scooped her up, bringing her to the bathroom with me. I closed the door behind us. “I’m going to brush my teeth. You mind hanging out with me in here for a minute?”

She shook her head and sat on the toilet, swinging her feet and clutching at her backpack. I brushed my teeth and she watched, as if it were the most interesting thing she’d ever seen. When I was done, I scooped her back up and carried her downstairs. I hadn’t gotten far when I heard a tentative voice call out my name.

I whirled around, child on hip, and faced Rachel. That straight red hair was shining in the morning light, her eyes sparkling with uncertainty.

“Mommy! It’s Noa.” Phoebe hugged me and I set her down, much to her dismay. She grabbed at me again and I picked her back up.

“Hi, Rachel,” I said, offering my hand.

She looked at me with a grin and took it, holding it in her own hands for a moment before letting go. “Hey there, Noa.” She tucked her hair behind her ear and held out her arms for Phoebe.

The child went eagerly, and Tracey walked up behind me. “Ladies. Coffee time? Thankfully, the men of the house aren’t up yet.”

We followed Tracey into the kitchen, and I sat at the island where I always used to sit for the first serving of coffee.

She set out three mugs and pulled a sippy cup out for Phoebe, mixing chocolate milk while the coffee brewed. She handed the child the cup with a kiss. “It’s strange,” Tracey started as she poured the mugs and took out the cream and sugar before handing them to Rachel to mix. “I’m something of a matriarch here. I suppose I have to thank Dexter’s mom for that. But I have to say, I’m lucky to have two very special ladies in this family as a result of it.”

She handed me my black coffee while she sipped hers with a wink.

“I guess I’m trying to make sure you both get along,” Tracey said. “Rachel, I know you’re sweet as pie and Noa, you’re an angel with a feisty little temper. But if you two can’t get along for Dexter, do it for her,” she said as she pointed to Phoebe. “I’m not saying either of you need to hear any of this, but it’s better to be proactive than reactive. Neither of you will come out winning, should either of you decide to take the childish route.”

We both nodded and continued drinking our coffee. Obviously, Tracey was right. But I had no intention of ever letting it get that far.

“I actually met someone,” Rachel said, causing Tracey to set her mug down and run around the counter to hug her. “It’s still new but it’s wonderful.” She laughed and hugged Tracey back as Phoebe tried to feed her doll her chocolate milk.

“What’s all the ruckus?” Dexter stood in the doorway, scratching his chin.

Phoebe shot up at the sound of his voice and jumped into his arms, shrieking.

“Rachel met someone,” Tracey said, stepping back from the very embarrassed woman.

Rachel’s cheeks were pink, and she looked at Dexter with kind eyes. I tried not to let it bother me because those eyes were looking at a friend now.

“That’s great,” he said as he looked at Phoebe while she pinched his cheeks.

I sipped my coffee and excused myself. I had to get dressed and ready to start planning Tim’s arrangements.

My leaving the table had absolutely nothing to do with Dexter.

Nothing at all.

Of course, I was lying to myself.

I stripped off my clothes and started the shower, letting the water warm before getting in. I was rinsing conditioner from my hair when I felt him climb in behind me.

“What is it?” His mouth was so close to my ear that I couldn’t fight the shiver as I felt the heat of his breath.

“Nothing. Just dreading today. I kind of have no idea what I’m doing. I’ve never planned anything on my own before, let alone a funeral.” I turned and his hands reached for me.

His body had a sheen of water on it from the steam, but he wasn’t wet yet, standing just outside the showerhead’s reach. “I’m a great planner. Where should we start?”

I groaned. “I can’t focus on anything when we’re both naked and you’re touching me.” I leaned my head against the shower wall, and he backed away. “No, I didn’t mean for you to stop touching me. I meant for you to stop talking.”

“I don’t know if I should be offended or excited.”

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