Page 78 of Lesson In Honesty

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“Pixie, were they hassling you in the locker room?” he asked quietly.

She shook her head. “N-No.”

“Would you like to amend that answer before or after I spank you?”

Liam’s head lifted. “Problem?”

“Three Littles just came out of the locker room.” Mack focused on them again, studying them with the intensity of a wolf singling out his next meal from the herd. “Have they been giving you shit in the Nursery, Sierra, or just when there’s no one else around?”

She shuddered, shrinking as Liam rose slowly, anger vibrating in every muscle. “It doesn’t matter.”

“Yes, it fucking does,” Liam growled, pinching her chin between his thumb and forefinger. “They’ve been here, what, five days? What have they been saying, minx?”

Her breath jerked out in stages as though it hurt to breathe. Resolutely, she held her silence. Did she think keeping quiet was going to stop her Doms from dealing with bullies?

“Stay with her, Liam. I’ll go have a chat with—”

“No!” Sierra leaped forward, clutching Liam’s arm in one hand, trying to grab Mack with the other. “Don’t, please, you’ll just make—”

Joint snarls erupted from Mack’s chest and Liam’s, completely in sync. They both knew what she was about to say before their sounds of fury cut her off.

You’ll just make it worse.

“Tell us exactly what they said, Sierra.”

Quailing under the tangible anger, her shoulders slumped, her hands sliding back down to her sides. There were tears in her voice when she whispered, “They said I don’t belong in the Nursery. Things like me should be in the Zoo.”

If she’d set a match to a pool of gasoline, Mack doubted his and Liam’s reactions would’ve been any less volatile. Baring his teeth, he asked, “What else, pixie? What other shit have they been spouting?”

Trembling, she folded in on herself. It wouldn’t surprise him if she curled into a ball and disappeared. The misery in her voice, however, warned him whatever the hateful fuckers goaded her with had damaged something vital.

“That I don’t deserve a Daddy. Don’t deserve one Daddy or two Daddies…” Her breath hitched on a sob. “I should be in a cage with the other monkeys.”

He’d heard rumors that Liam was called the Viking Master at his old club. That name followed him to Serenity and now, Mack saw that it wasn’t just the physical resemblance earning him that title.

The rage in him was akin to that of Odin.

“I’ll kill them,” Liam snarled, spinning around.

Slapping a hand on his chest, Mack felt the violent energy radiating off them both collide. It hissed and sparked, two separate beasts twining together. “Don’t. I’m right there with you, Liam, believe me. Assaulting them is only going to end up with you in jail and Evander firing your ass for good measure.”

Gone was the gray in his eyes, replaced by roiling black emotion. “Like hell are they getting away with this, Mack.”

“They’re not going to get away with anything. Take Sierra to the suspension area, settle her down. Text Elias and ask him to come here.” Mack rolled his head until some of the tension in his neck cracked. “You guys don’t have a jail of your own here, right? Incarceration for misbehaving Doms?”

“No,” Liam ground out, pulling Sierra into him as she covered her face to hide her tears. “We just hoist them out by the collar and kick their ass out into the cold.”

“Let me grab my jacket before you do that,” Mack muttered. He stepped in closer to Sierra, concealing his tumultuous temper long enough to lift her chin with a fingertip and claim her mouth possessively. “Call me presumptuous, pixie, but your Daddies love you.” His heart gave a solid, approving thud. “Bothyour Daddies. We’re going to show you just how much when I’m done putting the hyenas back in their pen.”


He shut her up with another kiss, tasting her tears and the sorrow she couldn’t hide. “Liam loves you.Ilove you, pixie. Neither one of us will tolerate this, but one of us needs to start healing your hurts. Liam knows how to do that best.”

“Try not to get blood on the leather,” Liam said darkly as Mack walked away.

Oh, he didn’t intend on laying a hand on any of them, particularly the women. Words were his usual weapons of destruction—years of running a business, commanding severalteams in different divisions, were the key to honing his temper, displeasure, and disapproval into a bloodless, ruthless blade.

Ready to hack Sierra’s bullies off at the knees, he strolled over toward the booth they were now occupying, using a few seconds to fiddle with his phone.

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