Page 26 of Lesson In Honesty

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Oh well, at least Elias’s fearsome scale was acknowledged by people other than her, she supposed. “I-I’m not feeling well. I don’t want to play.”

“Some fresh air will help then,” he said casually and, with terrifying strength, plucked her up and laid her gently over his shoulder before pulling the door shut. “Guess it’s that time of the month, huh?”

Flailing her hands against his back, Sierra tried not to think about how high up she was, or how landing on her head would hurt if he dropped her. “What?”

“I have a wife,” he pointed out. “She gets sad and depressed when she’s on her period. Or angry,” he mused to himself. “Sometimes it’s like living with a pint-sized tigress with her claws extended for several days at a time.”

“Master Evander, please—”

“I have my orders, sweetheart. Do not take no for an answer. Physically remove you from the cabin if needed. Keep you warm so you don’t catch a chill. Handle with care because you’re feeling fragile.”

Oh shit. “Liam knows I’m…”

“Did you think you could hide that from him?” Evander laughed and gave her thigh a friendly pat. “Oh, you are a very sweet sub, Sierra. How many years have you two been together?”

“Too many if he’s willing to resort to kidnapping,” she muttered, watching the gravel footpath beneath her fly past with Evander’s long strides. “I don’t want to be around people, Evander.” A thought occurred to her. “I’m not exactly dressed to club standards.”

“My club, my standards. Besides, I don’t think you’ll be dressed for long.”

Fuck, did he have an answer for everything? “I haven’t shaved.”

Now his stride faltered, slowing. “The beard?”

Shame filled her voice. “Yeah.”

He grunted. “That’s not a requirement either, Sierra. Let me tell you something here and now—if anyone, and I meananyone, gives you shit over that, I’ll revoke their membership on the spot and get Eli to escort them off the property. Bullying and discrimination will not be tolerated here. Ever.”

Yeah, he did have an answer for everything. Tears clogged her throat, rendering her speechless, but that was just the period hormones. She wasn’t touched by his unwavering solidarity to someone he barely knew, not at all.

Faster than she liked, he was pushing through the doors into the bar. Tugging on his shirt, she said, “Can I please go to the bathroom, Master Evander? I should probably freshen up before…”


What? Her head jerked up in surprise. “Sir?”

“Explicit request from your Dom, sweetheart, sorry. All bodily functions, tampon removals, etcetera belong to Liam tonight. Didn’t take him for that kind of kink, but sometimes a Dom just gets pushed to his limits.” Laughing, Evander walked toward the bar, parting conversations as people stopped talking to watch a redhead being hauled like a sack of potatoes over a giant’s shoulder.

Fabulous, just the entrance she needed, she thought dourly. Attention on her from all sides. The focal point of the room.

The communal source of ridicule.

“Here you go, buddy. One unhappy subbie reporting for duty.”

The world spun sickly in a carousel of low light, blurred faces, and the beat of a dance song playing on the speakers built into the walls. Her butt hit a padded seat, and big hands grasped her shoulders as she swayed with the sudden rush of blood leaving her head.

“Thanks, Van. Appreciate it.”

Evander flicked a finger on the tip of her nose, winked, and wandered away, leaving her wide open to public scrutiny. Almost immediately, the soft gasps of shock and the quiet whispers started.

Dropping her gaze to the floor, she flinched when a familiar hand cupped her chin and lifted it to meet stormy gray eyes. Shesucked in a breath as a sob threatened to break free, then lost it as Liam cradled her ugly, bearded face in his beautiful hands and kissed her.

Not just kissed her, she realized.Consumedher. The position of her butt on the seat left him room to wedge between her thighs, spreading her open so his erection ground against her through the sweats. The hard bulge, capable of rendering her mute when utilized, reminded her that no matter what anyone else thought, her Dom loved her.

“Bad girl,” he growled into her mouth, biting her bottom lip. “Did you honestly believe I wouldn’t notice you avoiding me?”

“You’ve been busy,” she mumbled.

“Never too busy for you. Try again.”

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