Page 126 of Lesson In Honesty

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“Sorry.” Mack cleared his throat. “Slight insecure moment there.”

“Don’t apologize. There are horror stories of polyamory families breaking apart with the birth of a child. Fathers getting jealous of their babies resembling the other man, demandingpaternity tests, creating rifts and destroying the unity.” Liam gave him a quick squeeze. “That’s not us. A baby would be a miracle; why the hell would we pick it apart?”

“She really wants one, doesn’t she?”


Mack nodded slowly, lifting his gaze to meet Liam’s without a trace of doubt. “Then we find a way to give her one.”

“Yeah. That’s the goal.”

They stared at each other, reading the intentions, the unspoken words, the pacts that formed without vocalizing a single syllable. They were bound in their love to Sierra, by their own fascination with each other, and words weren’t needed.

“Daddy?” Sierra’s plaintive whine cut between them. “Need to pee.”

The moment was broken, but the bond was not.

“I’ll go run the bath,” Mack murmured. “You’ve given me more time tending to her than you had to since we met. This is your time with her now.”

Liam nodded as Mack got to his feet and strode, buck naked, toward the bathroom. Damn, that was an ass and a half. Shaking it off, he helped Sierra sit up and loop her limp arms around his neck. “How are you feeling, babygirl?”

“I have owies.”

When she was secure, he surged to his feet, hooking an arm under her ass. “We’ll help with the owies,” he promised, following in Mack’s wake. “Did you enjoy that or did we push you too far?”

“S’all good,” she sighed, burrowing her face in his neck. “Just sore.”

He didn’t want to tell her peeing might be the most harrowing experience of her life in a few minutes. Giving her a kiss on the temple, he stepped into the bathroom as water hit the bottomof the tub. “We’ll get you all cleaned up and some gel for your owies. Do you want a drink?”


“On it,” Mack said immediately. “Water or juice, pixie?”

She mumbled something that sounded likedeuce.

“I’ll get you some juice,” he replied in a very passable Daddy voice. As he passed them, he stopped and kissed her cheek. “Thank you, pixie.”

Liam’s heart did a crazy twist in his chest, love for them both spreading furiously through his veins. “Here’s the deal, minx. I’m gonna slide you down onto your feet and sit you on the toilet. No peeing until you’re sat, okay?”

“M’kay, Daddy.”

With bated breath, he eased her down until her feet touched the tiles. Her knees couldn’t support her weight for long, so he guided her onto the seat and held her upright as she sleepily emptied her bladder.

“Owie, owie, owie,” she whispered.

He helped her clean up, then lifted her back onto his hip, flushing the toilet as Mack returned with two glasses of water and another of orange juice. He tilted his head toward the tub, pleased Mack understood his silent directive.

Setting the glasses along the edge, Mack swiped his hand through the rising water, nodding in approval, and climbed in. The bath wasn’t as generous in size as Levi’s, but it was large enough to hold all three of them almost comfortably.

“Go to Mack, babygirl.” Crouching, Liam steadied her as she blindly obeyed, twisting and reaching for her other Daddy. When Mack cradled her upper body, Liam gently transferred her legs into the water.

For a few heartbeats, he stayed where he was, watching Mack fuss over her, letting her try and crawl into him. She rubbed her cheek over his chest, idly kneading his ribs as she lay on her side.

Maybe Liam should’ve been jealous that she showed Mack such love and affection, that her trust in him was well rooted. It should’ve infuriated him that Mack returned all those emotions tenfold, loving her just as deeply.

Instead, he found the contentedness he’d searched for with Wyatt and always been thwarted. He’d been blind back then, trying to fit a square peg in a round hole, hoping to make a family with the woman he loved and a man who didn’t quite love her back the same way.

Wyatt had never loved her this way, looking at her as though the world was in his hands. He’d never been able to stare into her eyes andseeher for the woman she was, her kindness and generosity, her willingness to forgive, the loving heart she’d once held out for him on open palms.

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