Page 53 of Learn For Me

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In under thirty seconds, he rolled on a condom and added an extra layer of lubrication to his shaft—not that she needed it. Tiny strings of her arousal dripped from her labia, and he took a moment to admire the darkly flushed red of her cunt as he fisted his cock.

When she tried to flip herself onto her back, he scowled and set his palm on the middle of her spine, pinning her down before she hurt herself. Lining his crown up against her opening, he leaned over her, using his pelvis to apply pressure.

The lax muscles in her back began to stiffen; he reminded himself to fuck her at least once a day until her pussy acclimated itself to his size. An unnecessary reminder, in all honesty. The day he forgot to slide his cock inside her was the day he died.

Olivia whimpered as he breached her, and he folded himself over her to set his fists on either side of her head, mindful of her hands trapped between them.

“Come when you want, Olivia,” he told her quietly. “As many times as you need.”



There was a bomb hidden somewhere beneath her belly button.

Olivia felt it growing, expanding, heating up. Just waiting for someone to step on the trigger plate and detonate it, blowing her sky high into a million pieces. The thing in her ass no longer burned, but that too was linked to the device ticking away the seconds beforekaboom.

Only a few days had passed since she first felt Zeke inside her, but taking him again was reminiscent of losing her virginity a second time. Her body was primed for an orgasm, hours of touching without a release setting her up for a long, hard fall, and she was swollen and needy in a way that blew the fuse box in her brain.

The position she was in left no wiggle room. Her knees were wide apart, setting her pussy at just the right height for him, and the grip of the cuffs around her ankles were like hands, tight and comforting. Her soles were still tingling with the aftereffects of his goddamn tickling, the sensation throbbing in her clit.

Drool leaked from the corner of her mouth, soaking the sheets as he pressed his advantage. The head of his ruthless cock forged deeper, reawakening the nerve endings with tiny snaps of bliss.

Despite his weight draped over her back, Olivia felt safe here. The scent of him, the heat, was more like a blanket than a threat. Even her sex was enraptured with the intruder prying her open, welcoming him in with greedy squeezes.

“Fuck,” he breathed.

Zeke curled tighter over her, his arm slipping beneath her neck to lift her face off the sheets. Before she found the words to thank him, he thrust, forcing her to take almost all of him in one powerful drive of his hips. The plug in her ass didn’t feel as small as it had anymore, making her pussy seem ridiculously narrow.

A cry wrenched from her at the same time she inhaled, and she choked on both.

There was no time to recover from the shock; he surged again, bottoming out with a groan of satisfaction. Out of her control, her pussy rippled around him, so happy to have something to clamp down on.

“Master Zeke,” she whined, surprised she remembered his name.

Her own was a distant memory, somewhere back before her body surrendered to him.

Teeth latched onto her bared shoulder, a warning she heeded. The pinch of pain shot straight down her spine, zeroing onto the bullseye between her legs, and came damn close to detonating the ache in her core.

“Come on my cock, Olivia,” he growled into her flesh. “I can do this all fuckin’ night. This cunt was made for me, wasn’t it? It’s all mine.” His beard scratched her skin, adding more tendrils of spiky pleasure to the mix. “It takes every inch of me. It belongs to me.”

She nodded quickly, moaning as he withdrew to the tip. Sucking in a hurried breath, she yelped when he rutted into her again, his thrust hard enough to rock the anal plug deeper into her ass. “All yours, Sir!”

“Say it again.” Another bite, a scarce inch from the first.

“All yours!”

It grew into a turbulent rhythm. The faster she said it, the more he pounded into her, until she screamed it through an orgasm. His teeth closed over her skin again and again, never breaking it, but with enough pressure to bruise.

Sweat slicked them together. Through the vicious slap of flesh on flesh, over the death-defying beat of her pulse in her ears, she heard the embarrassingly wet sound of her pussy being plundered, fucked into a sloppy mess.

Yet she didn’t care. Couldn’t, not when their breaths were in sync, their bodies trapped in a savage dance of lust and need. Her fingers curled into his stomach, her nails digging gouges into the ridges of flexing muscles, before they latched on.

His growl of delight was utterly fascinating for several eternal seconds before his stance shifted, changing the angle of penetration.

Her previous orgasm, the power of it, faded into non-existence as her second loomed on the horizon. The wide crown of his cock hammered into her, punching the specific spot on her inner wall that made her toes curl.

Like a blacksmith beating hot metal into shape on an anvil, Zekeformedher.

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