Page 76 of Speechless

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“Thought you’d cotton on to that. I know what I’m doing, baby. Trust me, all this worry will seem like a dim memory afterwards. We’re not there yet, anyway.” The hand on her nape tugged her down for a kiss. “Taking care of you from start to finish is the only thing on my mind.”

Kissing she liked—Connor’s lips on hers sent her head into a spin. Gave her a sensation not unlike bubbles in her blood, building heat and arousal into a wicked high. She laid down again, twisting so she curled into him for easier access to his mouth, but he had other ideas.

He shoved himself up against the headboard, adjusting pillows behind his back as she slipped and squeaked. He chuckled, his hands supporting her as he made himself comfortable. “Okay, baby, climb on.”


He patted his strong thighs. “Swing your leg over and sit. Right here.”

Right hereput her in incredibly close proximity to the erection that made her nervous. That seemed hasty, didn’t it? Wasn’t she supposed to make its acquaintance before sitting so close? Her little side poked her head up; adult Jenna knocked her back down.

This wasn’t a situation for a little.

Connor waited patiently, storm cloud eyes gleaming, face passive. He wasn’t rushing her, which helped solidify her decision to scoot nearer and clumsily lift her leg over his—with aid from big, strong hands.

Jenna blushed fiercely, realizing too late just how exposed her position made her. Where dampness gathered, she felt open and vulnerable. Her hand whipped down to shield herself.

“That’s a shame. I was enjoying looking at that sweet pussy.” A hum of pleasure accompanied his words. “Such a pretty pussy, Jenna. All pink and wet for me. Will you let me see?”

So persuasive, she thought. Only the devil should be allowed such persuasive power over a woman. Maybe hewasthe devil, sent to tempt her and lead her into sin. But oh, what a way to fall.

Eyes averted, she moved her hand and received the best reward—a long stroke of his fingers down her thigh and a gratified purr reverberating through his chest. “Clever girl. Will you give me your hand now, baby?”

Will you? A question, a request, not a demand.

Jenna submitted, choosing to walk the easy road with him instead of fighting him every step of the way. Struggling with doubt and fear couldn’t be more exhausting, and she was sick of being unsure of his actions. He shouldn’t have to prove himself any more than he already had.

Ready to prove herself worthy of his love, she held out her hand.

“If you get uncomfortable or scared, you tell me. Immediately.” The edge of his tone boded no argument. “Okay, baby?”

His fingers linked through hers, his palm to the back of her hand, and he guided her to his erection confidently. She might have trembled, but Connor simply ran his free hand up and down the side of her thigh, inciting a riot of tingles racing madly to her sex.

Smooth, hot flesh met her palm. Her fingers twitched, then she relaxed and lost herself in the fascination of exploring him. She discovered her estimation of his girth was indeed correct, as was her guess at the length. Being a virgin didn’t mean she wasn’t appreciative of what he possessed.

Connor grunted, hips flexing as she stroked him with their joined hands. Nerves faded into wonder when she understood her touch affected him in so many ways. When she stroked, he arched. Running her thumb over the rounded head, through the slick drop in the eye, made him groan so low in his throat she thought she caused pain.

Jenna noted the fine sheen of sweat glistening over muscles slowly hardening into a sculpture of rigid beauty. One formed byherinquisitiveness, her skin on his.

Wasn’t that just wonderful?

His shaft throbbed and she could feel his heart pulse along beneath the skin. Blood pumped harder beneath her fingers when she squeezed.

Connor’s hand left hers, gripped the sheets. Cords rose in his neck, his head falling back to thunk against the headboard. “Baby, not to alarm you, but you keep that up and I’m going to come.”

“Do you…should I stop?”

“God, no. This is…you’re amazing, Jenna. Just like that.”

Could that be a touch of desperation eking into his voice? Her little’s mischievous side wanted to play, had a naughty urge to see if Daddy would beg. She didn’t know where he was going to ‘come’, but she’d like to come with him.

Stroking a little harder, a bit faster, she was shocked when he cursed, the sheets almost ripping in his fists, and creamy fluid spurted almost violently from the dark red head of his erection.

Oh God, oh God, she’d broken him.


More relaxed than any handjob in his history had ever achieved, Connor sagged onto the mattress as his straining muscles went blessedly limp. Two months of stress simply seeped away, leaving him panting and feeling so fucking good.

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