Page 32 of Gift for My Ghost

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Tim advanced on them, his figure flickering in and out as if he was struggling to maintain his form, but his malevolent expression never faltered.

The wind swirled more violently now, sending the salt flying and scattering the candles. Despite the chaos erupting around them, she forced herself to focus on the ritual, chanting steadily. Tim was only a few feet away from Leo now, a triumphant smile on his face.

“Nice of you to arrange a body for me, brother dearest. I’ll be sure and put it to good use. Starting with the witch.”

Panic threatened to overwhelm her at the lust and cruelty on his face and her voice faltered for a second, but then Leo’s hand tightened around hers, lending her his strength. She could feel his love flowing through her, an unbreakable bond that Tim could never sever. Her voice grew stronger, and Tim’s advance halted. He was still smiling, his eyes gleaming with triumph.

“I’m not going anywhere, witch.”

“Yes you are,” she said firmly as she came to the final line of the spell.

A surge of power coursed through her veins as she channeled all of her strength into the bond between her and Leo. Streams ofshimmering light erupted from her hands, forming a protective barrier around the two of them. The light intensified, creating a brilliant shield that pushed back against Tim’s darkness. Her entire body trembled with the effort of maintaining that light, but she refused to give in.

Tim swore as the light began to consume the darkness surrounding him.

“No,” he cried desperately. “You can’t do this to me. You owe me…”

She could see him struggling, but his efforts were in vain. The light was relentless, swallowing him up until nothing remained except a dark, swirling mist. Then the mist vanished and he was simply… gone.

Nothing remained of his malevolent energy and peace settled over Midnight Manor. The veil between worlds had closed, sealing their victory.

Her strength faltered and her legs gave way, sending her tumbling to the ground, but Leo was there to catch her in a very real, very solid embrace.

“I’ve got you, sweetheart.”

“Did… did it work?”

He smiled down at her.

“I believe it did.”

“Are you sure?”

He took her hand and placed it over his chest. Beneath her fingers she felt the steady beat of his heart and the rise and fall of his breath.

“Very sure.”

“It actually worked.”

“Of course it did. I knew you could do it.”

She looked around at the chaos of the room. The candles were scattered, the herbs and salt mixed together in a dirty pile, but there was no sign of the ominous energy that Tim had brought with him. “And we banished Tim.”

“Yes,” he said grimly. “He’s gone and he can’t come back.”

“Thank goodness,” she said and burst into tears.

“Shush, my love. Everything is all right.”

He gathered her closer and rocked her gently.

“I was so afraid the ritual wasn’t going to work.”

“But it did and I’m here. And we’re together.”

Her tears slowed, and she raised her head to look at him.

“You really are here. Alive. And so very, very real.”

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