Page 29 of Gift for My Ghost

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Despite the looming threat of Tim and the uncertainty of the ritual ahead, he made a conscious decision to push those worries aside. Today was about them, about cherishing every precious moment together. He wanted to memorize every detail of Jessica’s smile, the way her hair caught the sunlight, the sound of her laughter mingling with the town’s band when they reached the Town Square by the river.

They stood at the water’s edge for a while, watching a few dedicated fishermen floating slowly down the river. Sam was nowhere in sight, but he found himself looking at the island and wondering about the other male. Was he as lonely as Leo had been?

Perhaps she sensed his mood because she squeezed his hand.

“I have an idea. Why don’t we get some food and go up into the mountains a little way for a picnic?”

“I think that’s an excellent idea and I know just where we should go.”

She gave him an inquisitive look but he only smiled at her and she rolled her eyes.

“Fine. Keep it a secret—but you’re going to have to tell me how to get there.”

Half an hourlater they pulled off the main road out of town, following a dirt road that wound into the forest. Most of the leaves had fallen, carpeting the ground with red and gold and brown but enough remained to dance in the breeze as she pulled the car to a halt.

“Was this your land?” she asked softly as the quiet of the forest surrounded them.

“It was, and there’s somewhere I want to show you.”

He picked up the picnic basket and the blanket, then took her hand and led her a short distance into the woods and up a small incline to a wide, flat boulder. From here they could see the whole town spread out below them and catch a glimpse of the Fairhaven Falls tumbling down the rocks.

“It’s beautiful,” she said as he spread the blanket on the sun warmed rock.

“Not as beautiful as you are.”

She turned to smile at him, radiant in the sunlight, and he forgot all about their picnic. Instead he sank down onto the blanket, pulling her down on top of him, and captured her mouth, kissing her hungrily. Her body arched against him as their lips met and her sweet, familiar scent surrounded him.

She sat up suddenly but before he could protest, she stripped her sweater off over her head and unfastened her bra, before giving him a challenging look.

“I’m not taking anything else off unless those jeans come off. It’s time.”

His cock throbbed so hard he could barely think but he forced himself to wait.

“Are you sure? You don’t want to wait until after the ritual?”

“Yes, I’m sure and no, I don’t want to wait.”

She rose to her feet, her fingers hovering over the top button of her jeans. They were trembling slightly but she raised a challenging eyebrow.


His clothes vanished, relief surging through him as his cock was finally released from the tight confines of his jeans. She froze, staring at him, her pretty lips parted.

“Do you want me to get dressed again?”

“Don’t you dare.”

Her hands were shaking even more now, but she fumbled the buttons open and slid her jeans down her legs, followed by her blue lacy panties.

“You’re so damn beautiful,” he murmured, his voice rough with desire. “You’re all I’ve dreamed of, all I’ve ever wanted.”

She gazed at him with those big, dark eyes and he felt something tighten in his chest. Not just lust, not just passion—something deeper, more profound. He held out his hand and she took it, allowing him to help her back down on the blanket.

Her nipples were tight pink buds and he could already see a gleam of moisture between her thighs, but her body was tense and she jumped when he trailed his hand gently down her side.

“We’ll take this as slowly as you want,” he promised. “You can trust me.”

“I know.”

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