Page 24 of Gift for My Ghost

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“Nothing at all,” he assured her, then bent his head to suck on the tempting line of her throat as he increased the pressure on her clit, matching the movement of his thumb to the gentle thrust of his finger and her cunt started to pulse, gripping him in rhythmic waves.

Her eyes widened in shock, and then she threw her head back, grinding against him as she shuddered in his arms. His cock throbbed, demanding to be released, to bury himself in that same glorious heat. But she was too small, too tight, and herefused to hurt her. Instead he continued to kiss and caress her as her climax ebbed and her body went limp. He reluctantly eased his finger out of the tempting warmth, then licked it clean. Her taste exploded in his mouth, salty, sweet, and delicious and she blushed crimson again.

“Did you like that?” he asked, and the red deepened. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

“I didn’t… do anything for you,” she said, her eyes dropping to the erection still straining against his jeans.

“Watching you come in my arms is all I need.”For now, anyway.


“You have to get back downstairs.”

“I could stay a little longer,” she whispered, reaching for him, and the temptation almost overwhelmed him.

“If you did that, it would be a lot longer than you planned. And I want you to be sure you’re ready before we go any further.”

“I suppose you’re right.” She sighed and stroked his bare chest again. “How does this work? Should I get you another shirt?”

“I don’t know,” he said, then concentrated, and the shirt reappeared. “I’ll have to practice that.”

“Me too.” She looked down at her unbuttoned shirt and vest, and her naked breasts and blushed again. He loved the way the color rose so easily to her cheeks.

“Allow me.” He carefully fastened her bra then buttoned her shirt before kissing her again, unable to resist the appeal of her soft, pretty mouth.

She was breathless again when he finally let her go.

“You need to go now, Jessica. Before I forget about being a gentleman and keeping my hands to myself.”

“You can touch me,” she said breathlessly. “I want you to.”

“And I will,” he promised. “But not now.”

After giving him a reluctant nod, she slipped off his lap. He rose too, adjusting his jeans to try and relieve the pressure, then followed her to the door.

“I’ll see you later.”

“Yes.” She smiled up at him, then blushed and looked away. “Thank you, Leo. Thank you for showing me what I’ve been missing.”

“My pleasure, sweetheart.” He kissed the top of her head. “Any time.”


Aweek later, Jessica hummed happily as she gathered up the empty vases from the tables. In spite of her concerns about the upcoming ritual, it had been a wonderful week. Leo had been fully present when they were alone together and they had been able to kiss and touch and explore. That very morning he’d finally persuaded her to let him taste her and she’d discovered just how wonderful his mouth felt against her. Her cheeks heated at the memory of his dark head buried between her legs and she decided that washing the vases could wait until the morning.

Although there had been a few times when she’d started to panic, he was so attuned to her that he quickly pulled back before things went any further. He never seemed impatient or frustrated, even though he’d kept his jeans on the entire time. He’d let her touch him over them, but he’d refused to remove them, assuring her he was content to wait, despite his very large and obvious erections.

She thought she was ready to take that next step and she was trying to decide on the best way to convince him when she heard a faint whisper, chilling and unintelligible, drifting through theair. She paused, heart pounding, and glanced around the dim room, feeling a shiver run down her spine. The sound seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at once.

“Leo?” she called out softly, hoping it was just him playing tricks but deep down, she knew this was different. The whisper lacked his warmth, his playfulness. This was cold, alien, and deeply unsettling.

She carefully put down the vases she was carrying, her hands trembling slightly. The feeling that something sinister lurked within the walls had increased over the past week, even though it wasn’t like anything she’d experienced before.

Her years as a ghost hunter had exposed her to all manner of supernatural phenomena, but this… this was different. It felt not only malevolent but personal, as if it were directed specifically at her. Her eyes scanned the shadows in the corners of the room, half-expecting to see something materialize. The whisper came again, louder this time, sending goosebumps racing across her skin. She backed away slowly, her breath catching in her throat.

“What are you?” she whispered, her voice barely audible. The silence that followed was deafening, broken only by the pounding of her own heart. And then…

A cold, clammy touch brushed her cheek and she stumbled backwards with a startled gasp. She couldn’t help the shudder that racked her body or the tears that filled her eyes.

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