Page 22 of Gift for My Ghost

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Jessica cast him a somewhat helpless glance, then nodded.

“It’s more.”

“And you didn’t tell me? Why not?”

“I don’t know exactly. I think I was afraid that if I told anyone, it wouldn’t be real. And then, of course, there’s the obvious problem that he’s a ghost.”

He moved across to her, longing to give her his support but knowing she would resent it if he tried to speak for her. Instead he sat on the arm of her chair and took her hand. She looked up at him gratefully and his heart warmed. Wendy cleared her throat and they both looked at her.

“I’m assuming you’re looking for a way to fix that,” she said, and Jessica nodded.

“I’m going to attempt a ritual on Halloween night to try and make him corporeal again. But it’s a very complicated ritual with a lot of unknowns, and I can’t promise it will succeed. Even if it does, it could be only temporary.”

“Is there anything I can do to help?” Wendy asked immediately and Jessica smiled at her.

“No, but I appreciate the offer.”

“You know if you’d told me, I wouldn’t have been so busy trying to arrange a date for you for the Harvest Festival.”

“You didn’t—did you?”

“Kind of, but don’t worry, I’ll call it off. Which means you don’t have to try and freeze us out, Leo,” she added sternly. “At least I assume that’s you?”

Oops. He hadn’t shielded his reaction to the date suggestion as well as he should have.

“Sorry,” he said quickly, closing his eyes and concentrating on the temperature. It returned to normal much more quickly this time and he knew that Jessica had noticed as well.

“That’s better. But you are still going to come to the festival, aren’t you?”

Jessica hesitated. He wanted her to say no, but he couldn’t keep her tied here forever.

“You should go,” he said instead, and Wendy beamed at him. “It would be good for you to get out.”

“I get out,” she protested weakly, but they both ignored her.

“Then that’s settled.” Wendy stood up and gave them both a determined look. “And I want you to keep me updated.”

“Of course.”

“I’ll leave the clothes for you to think about, but I’ll understand if you don’t want to wear any of them.”

Jessica stood too, following her friend to the door, then gave the other woman a quick hug.

“Thank you for understanding.”

Wendy’s eyes were suspiciously bright, but she gave her a cheerful smile.

“That’s what friends are for. Just let me know that you’re okay, okay?”

“Every step of the way,” she promised.

As soon as Wendy had disappeared down the stairs, Jessica came back and collapsed on the couch, smiling at him.

“That went better than I expected. I was afraid she’d be mad at me for not telling her sooner.”

“Would you have been angry if she’d done the same?” he asked, and she immediately shook her head.

“Of course not.”

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