Page 18 of Gift for My Ghost

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“If only. I’m not lucky enough to have that kind of binding. No, I mean when someone tricks them into a bond, and they can’t leave, no matter how bad things get.”

Cody’s eyes darkened, and he stared off into the night, lost in memories.

“You can’t leave the manor?”

“I didn’t mean here.” Cody shook his head, then grinned, back to his usual self. “Quit feeling sorry for yourself, dude. You’re into her. She’s into you. It’ll all work out in the end, even if she gets a little skittish along the way.”

Cody’s perceptiveness startled him, but he was right. The last thing Jessica needed was him going all possessive on her.

“I’ll try and be patient,” he promised. “Which will be easier if Eric has gone. Has he?”

Cody grinned.

“Yep. It’s safe to get back in the water.”

He laughed and rose to return to the house. As they reached the door, a sudden chill ran down his spine, and he paused, glancing back at the garden. The once peaceful scene now seemed ominous, shadows stretching like grasping fingers in the darkness. What had changed?

He searched the darkness but couldn’t find any reason for his sudden unease. Shaking off the chill, he followed Cody into the warmth and light of the restaurant, leaving the unsettling darkness behind.


Jessica’s stomach fluttered nervously as she walked down the street towards the address Cody had given her for Gladys. She’d asked for a phone number as well so she could make an appointment, but he’d just grinned at her.

“Not listed. Better just to show up.”

Not that she’d really needed the address she decided as she drew closer. The witch’s cottage was painted a striking purple, although it was practically hidden behind a lush garden overflowing with flowers, most of which should have already turned dormant.

Just as she reached the gate in the pretty picket fence, it swung open and a tall black man came rushing out, muttering to himself.

“Impossible female.” He suddenly noticed her and caught the gate, giving her an apologetic nod. “I’m sorry, my dear. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going.”

Now that she had a chance to look at him more closely, she realized he was a good bit older than her, his dark curlspeppered with grey, but he was still remarkably handsome. More importantly, he had a kind face and she found herself smiling at him.

“No harm done. Is something wrong?”

He sighed.

“Only the same thing that’s been wrong for years. I keep hoping it will change but sometimes I feel like Sisyphus, rolling the same boulder up the hill over and over.”

She could see the sorrow in his eyes despite the humor in his voice and impulsively put a sympathetic hand on his arm, then immediately reeled back. Damn. She was usually more careful about making sure her shields were up before touching people. He started to reach out to steady her, then stopped.

“What did you see?” he asked quietly, and she shot him a surprised look.

“What makes you think I saw something?”

His eyes twinkled.

“I am not without some small powers myself. Do you see the future or the past?”

“There have been times when I have seen both—and other times when I have seen nothing.” Her psychic powers had always been more erratic than her ability to communicate with the departed.

“That is often the way,” he agreed, watching her face. “Perhaps we could discuss it over tea?”

“Thank you, but I was on my way to see Gladys.” She hesitated, then added, “Do you know her?”

“Intimately,” he said dryly, then hesitated. “I am not a fan of looking into the future, but do you have any words of advice based on what you saw?”

“I’m afraid not. It was just a flash of you. And a woman in purple.”

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