Page 30 of Lakeside Longing

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Quinn’s expression softened, her eyes searching Rebecca’s. “I thought about that,” she admitted, her voice quiet. “But this isn’t just physical. It’s… everything. The way we talk, the way we… connect. I know this is still so new, but I really don’t think that’s what’s going on here.”

Rebecca wanted to believe her. She needed to believe her. But what if Quinn was wrong? What if when Quinn went back to Los Angeles and met someone who would understand her life so much better than Rebecca ever could?

“I don’t want to walk away from this,” Quinn said. “Not yet. Not this easily.”

“I don’t either,” Rebecca admitted.

“I’m not going to tell anyone about this.” Quinn reached up to run her fingers along Rebecca’s jaw, but then she looked away, her hand falling. “I told Piper. But other than her, I’m not telling anyone. Not even Reagan. And if there is something to tell, in a few weeks or months from now, we’ll do it together.”

“Has anyone ever told you you’re very persuasive?” Rebecca asked with a smile.

“Just my high school drama teacher.”

Rebecca laughed as she wrapped her arms around Quinn.


The past month had been the closest thing to perfection that Quinn could remember. She’d been reading, going on hikes and enjoying the beautiful foliage. She’d even started writing a screenplay, but the best part of the last month had been all of the time she’d spent with Rebecca.

Their relationship, though undefined, felt natural and effortless. The days they spent together flew by. Most evenings were spent together at either of their homes. Staying over had become the norm, and now that it was November, Quinn wasn’t sure how much longer they could go on like this. They were so good together. They’d have to tell her mother soon.

But it turned out that Quinn wouldn’t have to worry about that, because that morning while Rebecca was in the shower, her mother pulled into her driveway unannounced. It was early. Not too early that they couldn’t have come up with an excuse, but there was no covering up the sound of the shower or the fact that Quinn was in the middle of making breakfast for two with two places set at the breakfast bar.

It had all happened in slow motion.

The sound of a car pulling into the gravel driveway cut through the quiet kitchen. Quinn’s heart skipped a beat as she walked towards the front door and glanced out the window, recognizing the familiar silver SUV that belonged to her mother.

Panic surged through her. There was nothing she could do. Rebecca’s car was in her driveway at eight in the morning.

“Quinn,” her mother said with a curious look on her face. “I was just going to ask you if you wanted to go for a drive and maybe a hike? The foliage is peaking this week. But what’s Rebecca doing here so early?”

Her gaze swept from the two places set at the breakfast bar to the sound of running water that could be faintly heard from upstairs. Quinn knew she couldn’t lie, not to her mother. Taking a deep breath, she turned to face her, not even sure how she was going to say this.

Before Quinn could speak, she saw her mother’s eyes widen as she put the pieces together. Sarah’s hand flew to her forehead, and she took a step back.

“Quinn, tell me this isn’t what I think it is.”

Quinn felt frozen, struck dumb by the shock on her mother’s face. She wanted to explain, to make her mother understand, but all she could do was shake her head, unable to find the words.

Sarah’s eyes filled with tears as she backed towards the door. “This can’t be happening. Not with Rebecca.”

The words stung, and Quinn felt a surge of defensive anger. She took a step forward, wanting to reassure her mother, to make her see that this was a good thing.

“Mom, wait. Please. Let me explain.”

But it was too late. Her mother was already out the door, hurrying back to her car.

Quinn was left standing there, stunned. She felt like she’d been punched in the gut, the wind knocked out of her.

Her mind raced as she processed what had just transpired. She and Rebecca had been so careful, keeping their relationship private, ensuring that no one suspected a thing. But now, in an instant, it had all blown up in their faces.

And as Rebecca had warned her, her mother was not impressed.


Rebecca stepped into the kitchen, noticing the scattered ingredients on the counter. Quinn had clearly been planning to make breakfast. Her gaze drifted to the deck, where she spotted Quinn pacing back and forth in the chilly morning air.

Concern gripped Rebecca’s chest as she slid open the glass door and stepped outside. Quinn’s face was ashen, her body visibly shaking. Something was terribly wrong.

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