Page 42 of Secret Bratva Daddy

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Miron nods, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "Love has a way of doing that. Now, come, sit with me. I want to hear everything about how you met my brother, and I'll tell you some stories that'll make you see him in a whole new light."

We settle in the living room, and I find myself relaxing as Miron begins to share tales from their childhood. "Did Avros ever tell you about the time he tried to 'rescue' me from school?" Miron asks, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

I shake my head, leaning forward eagerly. "No, what happened?"

Miron chuckles. "I was about six, and Avros was ten. I'd been complaining about how much I hated school, how mean the other kids were. So, one day, Avros shows up at lunchtime, marches right into my classroom, and announces to my teacher that there's a family emergency and he needs to take me home."

I can't help but laugh, picturing a young Avros, all serious determination. "Did it work?"

"Oh, it worked alright," Miron says with a grin. "We made it all the way to the park before our parents found us. Avros got the scolding of his life, but you know what? He told them it was all worth it to see me smile."

The image of a young Avros, fiercely protective even then, makes my heart ache with longing. "He's always looked out for you, hasn't he?"

Miron's expression softens. "Always. Even when I didn't deserve it. Even when it cost him everything." He reaches out, taking my hand in his. "That's why I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that he'll move heaven and earth for you and that little one."

I bite my lip, hope and doubt warring within me. "Even after everything that's happened? The trial, the baby..."

"Especially because of all that," Miron says firmly. "Sydney, my brother is many things, but when he commits to something, orsomeone, it's for life. And he's committed to you and that little one."

His words wash over me like a balm, soothing fears I didn't even know I had. This is what I want, I realize with startling clarity. I want Avros home, free. I want us to raise our child together, to build a life and a family.

"Thank you, Miron," I say, my voice thick with emotion. "You have no idea how much I needed to hear that."

He squeezes my hand, his smile gentle. "That's what family is for, right? And you are family now." His eyes drift to my stomach, a look of wonder crossing his face. "May I?"

I nod, guiding his hand to the slight swell of my belly. Miron's touch is gentle, reverent. "Hello there, little one," he says softly. "I'm your Uncle Miron. I can't wait to meet you and teach you all sorts of things that'll drive your papa crazy."

I laugh, picturing Avros's exasperated face as Miron spoils our child rotten. "I have a feeling you're going to be the fun uncle."

Miron's grin is positively wicked. "Oh, you have no idea. I'm going to teach this kid all my best tricks. By the time they're five, they'll be able to pick any lock and charm their way out of any trouble."

"Avros will have a fit," I say, but I can't keep the smile off my face.

"Good," Miron says with a wink. "Someone needs to keep my brother on his toes. Between you and this little one, I think we've got that covered."

We spend the next hour trading stories, me sharing how I met Avros, Miron regaling me with tales of their adventures growingup. With each passing minute, I feel more and more at ease. This is family, I realize. This warmth, this easy camaraderie.

"You know," Miron says, leaning in conspiratorially, "Avros is crazy about you. Truly, madly, deeply in love. I've never seen him so determined to make things work with a woman before."

I feel a blush creeping up my cheeks. "He told you that?"

Miron snorts. "Told me? He wouldn't shut up about you. Every phone call, every visit, it was 'Sydney this' and 'Sydney that'. I thought he'd lost his mind at first, but now that I've met you... I get it."

"Get what?" I ask, curious.

"Why you're perfect for him," Miron says simply. "You're strong enough to stand up to him, but soft enough to show him there's more to life than the business. You're his balance, Sydney. His anchor."

His words bring fresh tears to my eyes. "I love him so much," I whisper. "I just want him home."

Miron's expression turns fierce. "And we'll get him home. I promise you that. My brother has sacrificed everything for me time and time again. It's my turn to return the favor."

The moment is interrupted by Richard clearing his throat from the doorway. "I hate to break up the reunion, but dinner is ready. I thought we might discuss strategy for the trial over some food."

We move to the dining room, where a spread that would put most restaurants to shame awaits us. As we settle in to eat, Richard begins outlining the plan for Avros's defense.

"The good news," he says, helping himself to some roasted potatoes, "is that I have very good reason to believe Avros's trial will be dropped completely."

I nearly choke on my wine. "What? How?"

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