Page 29 of Secret Bratva Daddy

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Something inside me threatens to break. Maybe it’s that silly glass heart of mine. The idea of Sydney walking out of my life is more painful than I can bear to contemplate.

"You love her," Miron says. It's not a question.

"Yes," I whisper, admitting it out loud for the first time. "God help me, it’s so fucking fast and unexpected, but I think that I do."

Miron is quiet for a long moment, and I can almost see him running a hand through his hair, the way he always does when he's thinking hard.

"You need to tell her the truth," he says finally. "All of it. Playing games like it's chess or business doesn't work with women, especially not one like her."

I close my eyes, knowing Miron is right but dreading the thought of confessing everything to Sydney. "And if she leaves?"

"Then you'll know it wasn't real," Miron replies softly. "But if she stays... brother, that's worth more than all the power in the world."

His words hit me like a physical blow. I think of Sydney—her fierce spirit, her kindness, the way she looks at me like I'm more than just a ruthless crime lord. The thought of losing her...

"You're right," I say, my voice rough. "I know you're right. But Miron, I don’t know how to say this without sounding like an idiot, but I'm afraid. I shouldn’t be, but I am, and that onlymakes me more afraid. It’s feeding off itself like crazy, and pretty soonI’mgoing to be crazy."

The admission costs me, but if there's anyone I can be vulnerable with, it's my little brother.

"I know," Miron says gently. "Love is fucking terrifying, isn't it? Especially for men like us."

I let out a shaky breath. "What if I tell her and she runs? What if I've ruined everything?"

"Then you let her go," Miron says firmly. "If you love her, really love her, you have to give her the choice. Even if it means losing her."

I nod, even though Miron can't see me. "When did you get so wise, little brother?"

Miron chuckles. "Prison gives a man a lot of time to think. And hearing you talk about Sydney... it's changed you, Avros. In a good way."

"How so?" I ask, genuinely curious.

"You're softer," Miron says. "Not weak, never that. But there's a... I don't know, a lightness to you that I haven't seen since we were kids. Before Dad died, before all this." He pauses, then adds, "Sydney brings out the best in you, brother. Don't lose that because you're afraid to be honest with her."

His words strike a chord deep within me. I think of all the moments with Sydney over the past weeks, her laughter echoing through the mansion, the way her eyes light up when she talks about her dreams, and the feeling of her soft body curled against mine in the early hours of the morning. She's brought color and warmth into a world I thought would always be cold and gray.

"You're right," I say finally. "I need to tell her everything. No more secrets, no more half-truths."

"Good," Miron says, and I can hear the approval in his voice. "And Avros? Whatever happens, just know that I'm proud of you. For letting someone in, for being willing to risk everything for love. That takes more courage than anything we've ever done in this life."

His words bring a lump to my throat. "Thank you, brother. I'll call you when it's done."

As I end the call, I'm struck by a sense of finality. Whatever happens next will change everything. There's no going back, no more hiding behind half-truths and omissions.

I stand, squaring my shoulders. It's time to face the music. Time to lay my soul bare to Sydney and hope that what we've built is strong enough to withstand the truth.

As I leave my study in search of Sydney, Miron's words echo in my mind. Love is worth fighting for, even if it means risking everything. And Sydney... Sydney is worth more than all the power and wealth I've accumulated over the years.

Whatever happens next, I know one thing for certain. I love Sydney Reeves. And I'm ready to fight for her, even if it means facing the darkest parts of myself.



My hand trembles as I set down my coffee mug, the nausea I've been fighting all morning rolling through me again. I glance at the calendar on my phone, my heart rate quickening as I count the days since my last period. No, it can't be. Can it?

The realization hits me like a punch to the gut. I might really be pregnant.

I sink into a nearby chair, my mind reeling. How could this happen? Well, I know exactly how it happened. Images of Avros's powerful body moving over mine, his hands gripping my hips as he drives into me, flash through my mind. We'd been so caught up in the passion, the need, that protection had been the last thing on our minds.

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