Page 26 of Secret Bratva Daddy

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As I approach the office, I hear muffled cursing in Russian from behind the closed door. My hand hovers over the knob, hesitating. Should I intrude? But my concern for Avros overrides my uncertainty, and I knock softly.

"Come in," his voice calls out, sounding strained.

I enter to find Avros standing by the window, tension radiating from every line of his body. As he turns to face me, I'm struck by the conflict I see in his eyes. It's gone in an instant, replaced by a heat that makes my breath catch.

"Avros?" I start, taking a step towards him. "Is everything okay? You rushed out so suddenly..."

Before I can finish my thought, Avros is moving. In three long strides, he's crossed the room and pulled me into his arms. His mouth crashes down on mine in a kiss that's equal parts desperation and passion. I make a small sound of surprise but quickly melt into him, my hands coming up to tangle in his hair.

There's something different about this kiss, something almost frantic in the way Avros holds me. When we finally break apart, we're both breathing hard.

"Avros," I pant, my lips tingling from the intensity of his kiss. "What are you doing?"

"Quiet," he growls. I feel him inhale deeply, as if trying to memorize my scent. "I need you. Now."

Confusion and arousal war within me. Part of me wants to push for answers, to understand what's brought on this sudden urgency. But the larger part of me responds to the raw need in Avros's voice, my body already humming with desire.

"Here?" I whisper, my eyes darting around the office. “During work? Again?”

Avros growls, the sound sending a shiver down my spine. "Everywhere. Anywhere. Again and again. You're mine, Sydney. I want to mark you, claim you in every way possible."

Before I can respond, he's lifting me onto his desk, scattering papers in his haste. I gasp, instinctively wrapping my legs around his waist as he steps between my parted thighs.

"Do you have any idea what you do to me?" Avros rasps, his hands roaming my body possessively. "How much I crave you? How I can barely think straight when you're near?"

His words send a bolt of heat straight to my core. "Avros, maybe we should...” I can’t finish my sentence. I want to tell him to use a condom, but it’s not really what I want. I want him the same way I’ve always had him, raw and unprotected, the way it should be. Nothing could possibly come close to that.

Besides, what’s one more time? I’ve already slipped up more times than I can count, so really, what’s this little moment going to do? Plus, I’d have to explain my concerns, and I doubt he’d even want to go through with all this if he knew that I was concerned about being pregnant.

Avros captures my mouth again, kissing me with a ferocity that takes my breath away. His hands push up my dress, leaving trails of fire on my skin. I fumble with the buttons of his shirt, desperate to feel his skin against mine.

This is it. I’ve made my decision and it was too easy. I’m going to risk it all again just to feel him gushing inside of me.

"So beautiful," Avros murmurs against my lips. "So perfect. My Sydney."

"Yes,” I gasp, meaning it with every fiber of my being. “I am yours, Avros. To use as you wish, whenever and wherever.”

As I help him remove his shirt, my hands explore the familiar planes of his chest, tracing the intricate tattoos that tell the story of his life. Each one fascinates me, hinting at depths I've only begun to explore.

"Do you like my tattoos?" Avros asks, his voice rough with desire. "Each one tells a story. Each one is a part of who I am."

I nod, mesmerized by the artistry etched into his skin. My fingers trace a particularly intricate design over his heart. "What does this one mean?"

Avros catches my hand, pressing it flat against his chest. I can feel his heart pounding beneath my palm. "It means 'family,'" he tells me, something unreadable flickering in his eyes. "Family iseverything in our world, Sydney. We protect our own, no matter the cost."

A shadow passes over his face, and for a moment, I see a vulnerability in Avros that takes my breath away. I want to ask what he means, to understand the pain I see lurking behind his eyes. But instead, I pull him closer, kissing him deeply.

"Show me," I breathe against his mouth. "Show me what family means to you."

A complex mix of emotions flashes across Avros's face. I see desire, guilt, and determination. Before I can decipher it, he's lifting me off the desk, carrying me towards the balcony overlooking the gardens.

My eyes widen as I realize his intent. "Avros," I gasp, excitement and nervousness warring within me. "Someone might see us."

"Let them," he growls, already working on the zipper of my dress. "I want the whole world to know who you belong to. I want every man who lays eyes on you to know that you're taken, that you're mine."

His possessiveness should frighten me, but instead, it sends a thrill of arousal through my body. I moan, pressing closer as Avros pushes my dress down my shoulders. The warm sunlight spills over us, and I shiver as Avros's hot mouth trails along my throat.

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