Page 24 of Secret Bratva Daddy

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"Yes," I cry out, lost in the pleasure of our joining. “Take me, Avros."

I'm joltedback to the present by the sound of footsteps approaching. My cheeks flush as I realize how worked up I've gotten just from remembering. I quickly resume preparing lunch, trying to compose myself.

"Something smells delicious in here." Avros's deep voice sends a shiver down my spine. I turn to see him leaning against the doorframe, his muscular form perfectly showcased in a tailored suit.

"It's just a simple lunch," I say, trying to keep my voice steady. "Nothing special."

Avros stalks towards me, his movements predatory. "Everything you do is special.” He wraps his arms around me from behind, snuggling into my neck. "Especially when you're wearing that little dress I bought you."

I shiver at his touch, desire pooling low in my belly. "Avros, I need to finish lunch..."

"Lunch can wait," he growls, spinning me around to face him. "I'm hungry for something else entirely."

His lips crash into mine, the kiss hungry and demanding. I melt against him, my body responding instantly to his touch. Avros lifts me onto the counter, his hands roaming my curves, leaving trails of fire in their wake.

Just as things are really heating up, my phone buzzes insistently. I try to ignore it, but curiosity gets the better of me. I reach for it, unlocking the screen with trembling fingers.

My breath catches as I read the social media post. "Oh my God," I whisper, all thoughts of passion fleeing my mind.

"Sydney? What's wrong?" Avros asks, concern replacing the heat in his eyes.

I look up at him, tears blurring my vision. "My cousin... he's dead. They're saying it was a robbery gone wrong, but... he was always so careful."

Avros pulls me close, his arms strong and comforting around me. "I'm so sorry, Sydney. That's terrible news."

I cling to him, seeking solace in his warmth even as grief washes over me. Avros strokes my hair, murmuring soothing words in Russian.

After a moment, he pulls back slightly, cupping my face in his hands. "Let me take care of you,krasotka. Let me help you forget, just for a little while."

His lips find mine again, softer this time but no less passionate. I respond eagerly, desperate for the distraction, for the oblivion only he can provide.

But as Avros's hand slides up my thigh, his eyes catch on my phone screen, still lit up with the news. He stills suddenly, his body tensing against mine.

"Sydney," he says, his voice carefully controlled. "What was your cousin's name?"

I blink, confused by the sudden shift. "What? Oh, um, Lance. His name was Lance. Why?"

The change that comes over Avros is instantaneous and chilling. He steps back, his face a mask of barely contained... something. Shock? Guilt? Fear? It's gone so quickly I can't be sure.

"I... I need to take care of something," he says abruptly. "Urgent business. I'm sorry."

Before I can respond, he's striding out of the kitchen, already pulling out his phone and barking rapid-fire Russian into it.

I stand there, breathless and confused, my lips still tingling from his kiss. What just happened? And why did Avros react so strongly to Lance's name?

The nagging doubts I've tried so hard to ignore come rushing back. Lance's death, Avros's strange reaction, the whispered conversations I wasn't meant to hear...

Something isn't right here. And I need to find out what it is.

Taking a deep breath, I smooth down my dress and follow in Avros's wake. Whatever he's hiding, whatever secrets he's keeping, I'm going to get to the bottom of it.

For Lance. For myself. And for the child that might be growing inside me.

Because that’s what all of this could be leading to. After all, Avros has done nothing but own me, possessing me with his wicked ways, and the consequences of that combined with the lack of protection could tie us together forever.

Somehow, I feel like I still don’t really know him. I’m chasing some kind of sock thrill, the sort of thing that gets people introuble much quicker than they can turn back and retrace their steps to safety.

Lance is dead, and am I to follow next? Or is it just a surprise pregnancy that I’m going to end up with? If so, how will Avros react to that? Does he even want to have a family, or am I just his convenient plaything that he’ll toss aside when he realizes he can no longer have fun with me?

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