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Now that things had been set in motion, it was time to get Sasha on board with the next part of the plan. I had a feeling it was going to be a fight. I’d have to appeal to his rational side, the one that operated in a risk-versus-reward sort of system. Once he heard the plan, he’dhaveto say yes.

If not, I wasn’t above using sex to get what I wanted. It worked before when I was just some guy he’d kidnapped. Well, it sort of worked. I wasn’t dead and that was something most kidnapping victims couldn’t claim.

Besides, I was far more confident in the outcome this time around. At least I knew I wouldn’t get decked while trying to get him off. Hopefully…



“You want me towhat?”I blinked at him slowly, replaying the words again and again. Obviously, I misheard. Or misunderstood. Or... was hallucinating.

“I want you to kidnap my father,” Roan repeated, as clear and calm as could be.

“He just had me arrested and now you want me to kidnap him?”

“Yeah. Everyone with any sort of power has cut ties with him. My parents lost their memberships to all of their fucking clubs and associations. He’s vulnerable and she doesn’t have anyone to turn to. It’s time for Part Two.”

I cocked my head. “Part Two? I didn’t even know there was a Part One.”

“Well, I didn’t need you for that part. I need you forthispart.”

My mind whirled with each new bit of information that fell from his lips. Iheardhim, but I didn’t understand any of it. “Since when doyouplan shit like this, Mister Do Good?”

“Since now. Well, since you were arrested. I told you, I might not be in the mafia, but I’m not a fucking idiot. I know how people move behind the scenes. More importantly,Iknow how to move them.”

Who the fuck was this person in front of me? I blinked again, trying to comprehend the change in his overall mood. Not to mention his morals.

“It’s easy. I have it all mapped out for you.” For the love of God, he did. He pulled out his iPad and tapped on the screen, blowing up a satellite image. “Since he lost his gym membership, he’s been running on these trails. He goes early, before breakfast, and he walks there from the house. There’s no cameras out there, so just grab him like you grabbed me. If you get him after he’s already been for a run, he’ll be tired. Maybe a little sweaty. But he definitely won’t have the energy to fight you off. Not that he could. I mean, you’reyou, after all, and he’s pushing sixty.”


He kept going, ignoring my question and the incredulous look on my face. “And then, take him to the place with the dog kennels. But, do you have a smaller one? I don’t think he should have as much room as I did. I mean, it was considerate and all, but I really want him tofeelwhat it’s like being trapped.” He clenched his fists, emphasizing his desire.

All I could do was stare at him.

“What?” He gave me a shy smile, his cheeks flushing. How the fuck could he look sweet and innocent while talking about a fucking kidnapping?! I had to be dreaming. “You’re not saying anything…”

“What do you want me to say?”

“I don’t know… That you’ll do it?”

“You’ve lost your damn mind. Kidnapping? Again?” I shook my head and pushed away from the table. Thank God I had to go to work. It gave me the perfect excuse to get away from him for a while so I could try and figure out who kidnappedmyRoan and replaced him with this criminal clone.

Not letting me off the hook that easy, he followed me down the hall to the bedroom. “So why is it ok for you to plan a kidnapping but not me?”

I stopped abruptly and whirled to face him. “Because I’m a fucking criminal. You’re not.”

“Why should that matter? A plan is a plan. And I happen to think I have a good plan.”

“Of course you do.” I shook my head and kept going, checking my watch and gauging the time before I had to be at Delirium. There definitely wasn’t enough to continue this insane conversation.

“I thought you’d be happy,” he said, sounding dejected. “I’m crossing over to the Dark Side. Or, at least visiting for a while.”

I ignored him and ducked into the shower, turning it on. Peeling my shirt off, I tossed it toward the hamper right as Roan stepped forward and shoved me against the bathroom wall.

“Help me, Sasha.” He practically purred my name before leaving a trail of kisses along my chest. Dragging his tongue along the line of my dagger tattoo, he looked up at me from under his lashes, part sultry and part imploring. “You know I can’t do this without you.”

Shaking my head, I tried to ignore my rapidly thickening cock and the plea in his voice. “I have to get ready.”

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