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“Hmm, ok. So the next time you badger me about what’s wrong, I just get to fuck you and skip the conversation?”

“You meanIfuckyou.Then we skip the conversation.”

He shook his head, that smirk still in place. “No, baby. One of these days, I’m going to stake my claim on that ass of yours,” he said, grabbing two handfuls and squeezing.

“Ok.” I returned his smile, watching the surprise dart across his face.

“Ok? You mean it?”

“Yeah, of course. You can fuck me.”

Suspicion creased the corners of his eyes. “What’s the catch?”

“As soon as you can do this.” I eased my softening cock out of him and immediately threw him up over my shoulder in a fireman carry.

“That’s not even fair!” He squirmed against me, no doubt looking for a way down.

I smacked his ass soundly, carting him off toward the master bath. “What have I told you? Life’s not fair.”

“Spoken like a Russian,” he grumbled.

As soon as we were in the bathroom, I set him on his feet but I didn’t let go of him. I tipped his chin up and captured his mouth in another kiss, softer and more sensual than before. He wasn’t entirely wrong. Sex was a lot easier than verbalizing my thoughts. But moving forward, I’d try to be better about it. If he needed to hear words, I’d find a way to express them, even if it fucking killed me.

Goddamn that lawyer for being right. Even after the shit we’d gone through, Roan wasmyeverything and lost is exactly what I’d be if I didn’t have him. Completely and utterly lost.



Even though Sasha was home,safe and sound, and Bennett assured me the charges were dropped for good, rage still simmered in my blood every time I thought about what happened. My father had no problem calling the police whenhewas the victim, but whenmylife was on the line? Not a fucking peep.

It had been months and I wasn’t even close to getting over his betrayal. I knew he’d never be the father I wanted. I knew we’d never be close or have a remotely loving relationship. But never, in a million years, did I expect him to throw me away like I was fuckingnothing.

And then to go after Sasha?

Not on my fucking watch.

I yanked open the door to the coffee shop, Ilya on my heels like a shadow. “Can you grab me a hazelnut latte, please?” I asked over my shoulder.

“Where are you going?”


He nodded and peeled off in the other direction, toward the counter.

Exhaling a sigh of relief, I ducked into the men’s bathroom and slid the lock into place on the main door.

Bennett materialized from around the corner, chuckling to himself and spinning a large, onyx ring on his index finger. “I’ve had meetings in some pretty strange places, but I think a bathroom is actually a first for me.”

“Thanks for coming.”

“Of course. You know I’m happy to help. Not to mention, I’mbeyondcurious as to why we have to be so secretive about this.”

“My bodyguard is out there and I don’t want any of this getting back to Sasha. At least, not right now. Not until I know it’ll even work.”

Bennett folded his arms over his chest, his silver necklaces flashing against the exposed skin. “Why do I get the feeling you want to do something naughty?”

I smirked. Naughty didn’t even scratch the surface.

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