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Violence may not have been the answer, but I wished like hell it was. If there was someone to hurt, someone to kill, then I could actuallydosomething instead of nothing. I’d administered all of the justice I could on Roan’s behalf, but it wasn’t enough. The scars those fucking animals left were too deep and there wasn’tanythingI could do about it.

“I’m freezing,” he said after a minute, slipping out of my arms to grab a towel.

By the time I peeled off my wet clothes and dried off, Roan had disappeared again. No surprise, I found him in bed, buried beneath a pile of blankets, never mind the fact it was mid-morning. Curled into a ball, he faced the opposite side of the room, his hands tucked away where I couldn’t reach them.

I pulled on a pair of pajama pants and slid in next to him. He, too, was in pajamas, as well as my favorite Adidas hoodie. It was so old and faded and most of the lettering had flaked away from a million washes, but I loved seeing him in it. Whenever he wore it, or anything of mine, it was like he actuallywantedme around. Although, with his current position, I got the feeling he wanted some space, so I didn’t try to hold him again.

“I took the car back,” I said quietly, laying on my side with my head propped in case he rolled over and wanted to, you know,talk.

Of course he didn’t say anything. I didn’t really expect him to, given our last “conversation” about the whole thing.

“Your father is an asshole,” I muttered. Not that he wasn’t aware, but I could officially say I hated the man now that I’d been in his presence for a whopping five minutes.

“Is he dead?” Roan asked, his voice hoarse.

I paused, trying to decide how my answer would impact him. Once upon a time, I could have told you how he’d respond to any given scenario. He was as predictable as the sun rising in the East. Steady, calm, confident. Now? Not a fucking clue. One minute he would be fine and the next he would turn sullen or lash out like a fucking viper.

“No…” I said after a moment. “Do you want him to be?”

“I don’t care.”

Even if he wasn’t looking at me, I still frowned. Icouldkill his father. I could easily kill him. All he had to do was say the word and Phillip would be dead within the hour. But once Roan was in a better mood, I knew he wouldn’t be too happy about it. So, sadly, Phillip Sinclair would live to see another day.

My cell phone rang from the other room. I glanced in that direction, but I didn’t make any motion to retrieve it. This was more important than whoever was calling. Even ifthisgot me nowhere, at least I could say I tried, which is what the stupid pamphlet from the therapist said to do.

“Your phone,” Roan muttered.

“I hear it.”

“Then why aren’t you getting it?”

“I’m busy.”

“What if it’s Misha?”

“He’ll call back.”

“What if it’s Sergei?”

“He’ll call back.”

Roan rolled over halfway, peering over his shoulder. “I don’t want you getting in trouble with them.”

“I won’t.”

“You don’t know that, Sasha.”

I looked at him sharply. The way he said my name, more like hissed it, made my jaw clench. So,thiswasn’t going the way I thought it would. Perfect. Something else I apparently fucked up. What else was new?

The phone rang again.

When I didn’t move, he sat up, staring at me as if I’d suddenly sprouted horns. “Do youwantme to die?” he asked, his eyes narrowed.

“What the fuck kind of question is that?”

He flung a hand toward the living room. “Your fucking phone!”

“It can fucking wait!” I reached for him, despite my rising voice — and temper. He jerked away with a disgusted look, like he was repulsed by the thought of me even touching him.

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