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I counted to one hundred — slowly — before sliding out of my chair and striding down the hallway to the guest room. With as pissed as he was, I highly doubted he would retreat to the master bedroom, a room that wasourspace. No, he’d want someplace that was his and his alone.

As I thought, Roan was at his desk, scribbling away on sheet music and doing something on his laptop with chords.

Making my way through the maze of instruments and stacks of sheet music, I spun his chair as I dropped to one knee in front of him. “Solnyshko.”

He huffed and threw his pencil down, his jaw clenched.

Wedging myself between his knees, I pulled him and the chair closer, draping my forearms across his thighs as I looked up at him. “Tell me how to make you happy.”

He snorted and shook his head, staring at his laptop instead of me.

“What?” I squeezed his hip pointedly.

His blue eyes slid back to mine, not the bright and shining color they used to be. Instead, they were cold. Hard.NotRoan.

“If I knew that, don’t you think I’d be fucking doing it?” he snapped. “Do you think I go see Dr. Adani every week for fun? Fuck!” He slammed his palm onto the desk. “That fucker probably canceled my insurance.”

“I’ll take—”

“Don’t you dare say you’ll take care of it!”

Biting my lower lip, I silenced myself before my tongue got the better of me. It’s like Misha said — no matter what he said, what he did, Roan was still healing. Adding my anger to the situation wouldn’t help him at all.

“I know what it’s like to have everything taken from you, to have nothing,” I said quietly, sliding my hands up to his waist. “But I have something now. I want to share it with you.”

His face softened, his shoulders rounding. “I don’t mean to sound ungrateful. I am. Of course, I am. It just doesn’t seem like a fair arrangement — for you.”

I made a face before I could help it.That’swhat he was so upset about? Some stupid measure of equity? “Life’s not fair, Roan. It’s never been fair.”

“And that doesn’t bother you? That you get nothing out of… whatever the fuck this is between us?”

“I get you.”

“Some prize that is.” He rolled his eyes.

I slipped my hands under his shirt as I spoke, skimming my palms across his skin and up his back. “Don’t be stupid.”

“Don’t be a dick.” He put both hands on my chest, halting my lean forward. “And don’t do that.”

“Do what?”

His gaze darkened as a glare set in. “You know what. I don’t think I can handle another cold fucking shower. So unless you’re going to actually follow through this time, I have work to do.”

A soft glow on his desk caught my attention. It was another text, but no sound accompanied it, which meant his phone was obviously on silent. He reached for it a second too late. I snatched it off the desk and scanned the message.

“What the fuck, Sasha?!” He tried to reclaim it, but I planted my hand in the center of his chest and slammed him back into the chair.

Please tell me you’re on your way!

I angled the phone toward him, arching a brow. “Who the fuck is Samuel?”

“Don’t act like you don’t know.” He tried to push himself up, out of the chair, but I threw more weight behind the hand keeping him down. At this point, I wasn’t above bruising his goddamn sternum to get some answers.

“What the fuck did I tell you? You aremine. And if you think I’m going to let someone come in and steal you—”

“You’ll kill them? Go ahead! It’s not like I can fucking stop you!” The silver hoop flashed on the right side of his nose when his nostrils flared. His heart pounded beneath my flattened palm and each breath was shallow, as furious with me as I was with him. But why? Because he’d been caught?

“Who is he to you?” I asked through clenched teeth.

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