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When I walkedin the bedroom, Roan sat up, yanking his headphones off. “What did Misha want?”

“It was me who called the meeting,” I replied, easing onto the bed next to him.

He cocked his head, his brows dipping. “For what? You’re not going back to work already, are you? It’s only been a month! The doctor—”

I shook my head, cutting his lecture off before he got on a roll. “No, I’m done.”

“Done?” A mixture of suspicion and fear flashed across his face. “What does that mean ‘done’? Done, like, how?”

Brushing the hair off his forehead, I trailed my fingers down the side of his face. “I’m done. I’m out. Finished.”

“What?” Hope practically glimmered in his blue eyes, but he seized my forearm at the same time.

“The Wolf is no more.” That sentence hit me hard, my own words sucker punching me in the gut.The Wolf is no more.ButIwas the Wolf. Without him, who the hell was I? I had no fucking clue.

Roan’s voice broke through my thoughts, bringing me back to him. “But you said they wouldn’t let you go. How did you convince Misha to say yes?”

I rested my forehead against his and sighed. “It doesn’t matter anymore. It’s over. That’s the most important thing.”

“You’re right.” He wormed his way onto my lap, wrapping his arms around my neck with a contented sigh. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“You know what.”

“Do not think you’re going to start paying for everything now. It’s bad enough you’ve been playing nursemaid for the past month.”

He pushed away from me, folding his arms over his chest, but made no move to actually get off my lap. “You had an organ removed!”

“It was just one and there’s barely a scar.” Lifting an eyebrow, I slid my hands underneath his t-shirt, running them up his back.

“No,” he said with a resolute shake of his head.

Ignoring his scowl, I curled my hands around his shoulders and forced him down so I could press my lips to his.

He kissed me for a moment before flattening his palms against my chest and pushing me back. “No. Not yet.”

“I’m fine.” I didn’t necessarily mean to growl it, but that’s how it came out.

Crossing his arms again, Roan cocked his head and gave me a mockingly concerned look. “Oh, really? Well, Dr. Vassiliev, I’m gladyou’vedecided you’re fine and aren’t relying on the other guy’s opinion. You know, the one who sliced you open a month ago to take out a kidney. ‘Cuzthatguy said you have another two weeks to go before doing any sort of strenuous activity.”

“It’s not strenuous,” I countered, grabbing his wrists and forcibly uncrossing his arms so I could get close enough to kiss his neck.

“If you don’t consider the things we’ve done strenuous, I don’t think I want to know what else you’re capable of.” As soon as I let go of his wrists, his hands were in my hair. He tipped his head back, giving me better access to his throat. I happily obliged him with more kisses and a couple nips thrown in for good measure.

The first moan out of his mouth went straight to my cock. I knew he was worried for me, the way I’d been for him, but I couldn’t take waiting any longer. Hypocritical, I know, but I always said Roan was better than me.

I tore his t-shirt off and flung it behind him, doing the same with mine a second later. Pressing kisses across his chest, I flicked my tongue over one of his nipples while toying with the other until he seized my face in both hands and kissed me greedily. So much for “no.”

As soon as I grabbed his hips, I couldn’t help but grind against him, trying to relieve some of desperate ache for both of us. In hindsight, I shouldn’t have waited so long after his attack to be affectionate again. I should have trusted him to know himself better than I did. I should have given him what he wanted — what he needed — when he asked for it. Now that the table had been officially turned, I understood. Not entirely, but enough. Fortunately for me, Roan wasn’t an arrogant asshole who refused to give in, no matter how noble the reason.

As if sensing the apology running through my head, he brushed his nose against mine and smiled softly. “You know I love you.”

“I know.”

He pushed me back onto the mattress gently and slipped down my thighs, taking my jeans with him. Shedding the rest of his clothing, he knelt between my legs and motioned for me to scoot back. Once there was enough room for him, he leaned down toward my cock, his hot breath washing over it. Without making contact, he swerved and planted a kiss to the inside of my thigh.

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