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He chuckled, giving me another one of his easy-going grins. “I think I’ll manage.”

“I hope so.”

Shortly after that, Ilya turned into my parents’ driveway and parked. I didn’t even have to ask how he knew their address — I’m sure it was right there in my creepy-ass Sasha file.

“Nice house,” Ilya murmured, staring up at the massive structure.


“Are we going to go in?”


He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. “Should I open the door?”

“No. I’m going.” I pushed open the car door and forced myself to climb out.

I hadn’t been here in weeks, not since the last time I came to grab a bag of clothes. Part of me told myself if I left the majority of my stuff here, then I wasn’t really “living” with Sasha. It was just an extended sleepover. But this? Today? Taking the rest of my shit?Thismade it permanent. This was the point of no return.

Walking through the front door with Ilya behind me, I glanced around the spacious foyer. No one was waiting for me, which was just as well. The quicker I could get in and out, the better off we’d all be.

“This way,” I said, trudging up the stairs.

It didn’t take long to pack up the remainder of my stuff. All of the furniture was obviously staying. Aside from my clothes, some photographs, and a couple of books, I didn’t have a need for any of the rest of it.

“That’s it, I guess.” Looking around my room, I tried to conjure up some sort of feeling. Some sadness or even anger. All I felt was a cold emptiness. It’s all I’d felt for weeks and the feeling only intensified the longer I stayed, staring at the remnants of my childhood — of my lifebefore.

We were halfway down the staircase when the hair on the back of my neck stood up. Movement in my periphery drew my attention to the side of the stairs.


There stood my father, arms crossed, with a scowl on his face.

“Where’s the car?” he asked, without greeting.

He may as well have walked right up the stairs and punched me in the gut. “Excuse me?”

“The car. Where is my car?”

“Mycar is in Chicago,” I shot back.

“It better be here by the end of the week or I’ll report it as stolen.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?!”

“Donottake that tone with me. You turn down Georgetown, disappear for weeks on end, and you think you can waltz in here like this is still your home?”

I wasn’t even going to attempt to address the “home” barb. This pile of bricks hadn’t been my home in years. “Youtold me to come get my stuff! Remember?”

“And now I’m telling you to bringmycar back to me.”

“Whatever.” I rolled my eyes and headed for the door.

“Is this him?” Dad asked, taking a step toward Ilya with a disapproving glare. “The one you’re pissing everything away for? I don’t know what’s worse — giving up Georgetown for your so-called ‘music’ or for some piece of ass who is going to drop you the second they realize you don’t have a dime to your name.”

Anger flared inside of me, but it was Ilya who squared off with him, jaw tense in a way reminiscent of Sasha. I didn’t think I’d have to see my bodyguard in action on Day One, but I also wouldn’t mind seeing my father get his ass kicked.

“Nope,” I replied with a smirk, surprised my father even a) knew I was gay and b) acknowledged it out loud. “I saw this hot guy driving down the street and dragged him with me because I knew it would piss you off. My ‘so-called music’ has nothing to do with him.”

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